Chapter 29

226 1 16

Saturday 18th September
Dear my very sweet angel

⚠️Warning: this chapter contains abusive relationships. ⚠️


Dumbledore let us eat after he had finished his long speech. The students of Beauxbatons sat at my table, the Ravenclaws, and the Durmstrang boys sat with the Slytherins.

"So Lills, how's life?" Cho asked randomly.

"Uh, I mean, it's alright." I replied, confused. "Uh you?"

She sighed dreamily. "Jay asked me out." She gazed over to the gryffindor table, where Jayden was laughing with his friends.

"Congrats!" I hugged her warmly. "He's gonna treat you right, I know it."


"Excuse me?" A french accent spoke.

"Yes?" I turned around to see one of the Beauxbatons girls.

"Is your friend single?" She pointed to Cedric.

"Yeah, why?" I glanced at Cedric then at the girl. She was, just like all the other foreign girls, gorgeous. Silky brown hair flowed down her back and blue eyes that looked as if they knew everything about you.

"I just thought he was cute, I'm Chloé by the way."

"Lillia, Nice to meet you." I held out my hand and she shook it delicately.

"Thank you Lillia, tell your friend I said hello." She strutted away.

"Hey Ceddo."


"That girl I was talking to thinks you're cute." I pointed to Chloé.

"I don't think she's my type." He shrugged.

"What is your type then?" I raised a brow.

"'s hard to explain." He blatantly lied.


"Hey love." Someone swung their arm around my shoulder.

"Hey Liam."

Well he cheered up fast.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked. "Alone."

"Uh yeah, just let me get my bag."

"There's no need, this won't take long." He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes in the slightest.

I got out of my seat and followed him to a secluded corridor.

Third person

"Don't flirt with other boys, it's embarrassing to me." He scolded.

"I wasn't flirting, we ju-" A loud slap echoed through the room. It left a red mark in the shape of a hand. Lillia had a few tears brimming in her eyes from the sting. "Ow Liam! What was that for?"

Dear my very sweet angel ▸Cedric Diggory [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now