Chapter 14

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Sunday 3rd May
Dear my very sweet angel


I couldn't stop thinking about what she said. Does she really think of herself in that way?

I shrugged it off but it still lingered in my mind as I ate.

"Ceddy!" Came a panicked voice. I mustered up a fake smile.


"Have you seen Lillia? She hasn't returned to the common room since what happened yesterday." Cho asked frantically.

"No, I thought she went back to her dorms, you can ask Mather."

"Okay thank you!" She ran off to find the Gryffindor boy.

Where could she be?

Now to think about it, a few people have gone missing but nothing was done about it.

I looked back at Cho and she mouthed that he hadn't seen her.

Okay, now I'm concerned.

After that, I couldn't eat. I had this feeling that she was in danger but I couldn't put my finger on it.


I went to check on the people in the room of requirements and bought a few bits of food.

"Guess who's back!" I laughed. Most of them looked terrified but Lillia looked so...tranquil. So peaceful.

"Aw no ones gonna jump with joy?" I mocked.

"Blair..." Came a small voice. I turned towards it.

"Lillia..." I mocked her tone.

"If you hurt anyone, hurt me instead." She offered.

"Oh but that defeats the point of punishment." I sneered.

"I know but...just please." Stupid girl. She would do almost anything to make sure others are fine. Doesn't even care about herself.

"Fine...since you asked so nicely. Now everyone, eat." I barked and chucked a bread roll at each of them.

One girl refused to eat so I raised my wand. "Cru-"

"Blair!" Lillia shouted.

"Right," I turned to her. "Crucio!"

She held back from screaming from pain. She curled up into a ball.

I left her there and went to my lesson. I put on my glamour charm and walked confidently to class.


"Y'know, That was really brave of you Lillia." The girl who I took the curse for said.

"No, it was stupidity, not bravery in anyway." It still hurt a little but I was fine.

"No, I agree." A small voice said.

Dear my very sweet angel ▸Cedric Diggory [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now