Chapter 37

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Sunday 15th October
Dear my very sweet angel
WARNING: Sexual abuse.


I felt confident for once. I ran my fingers down the seam of the red fabric.

The bikini covered just enough so that my whole body wasn't falling out yet it showed a cheeky amount of skin.

The red contrasted with my skin and hair. Oriental patterns out of an ancient Japanese fairytale sketched onto the bright red. I smiled and walked out of the bathroom.

"Ta-da!" I glowed while throwing out jazz hands. I was met with happy grins and approving nods.

"So you're happy with that one then." Quinn quirked.

"Yeah, I feel great." I said for the first time in a while, bruises healed, confidence partly restored.

"Well you look fabulous." Addison smiled kindly. "So, uh lets all meet up here at 1?"

"Yeah, 1 is chill." Prim said. "Oh and Lills, keep the bikini, it looks way better on you."

"Thank you."

Addison and Primrose left to get ready themselves while I dressed up Quinn.

"Black or white?" She asked, holding up the same swimsuits yet in different colours.

"White, definitely."

"Cool." She left in the bathroom while I flicked through some potential cover ups.

I just picked a black, loose maxi dress and slipped it on.

Eventually the rest of the girls arrived and we started to leave for the prefects bathroom.

"Pine fresh." Addison spoke clearly.

"Ugh, head girl is gonna kill us if we're caught." I heard someone complain.

Oh well.

"Aye! You guys are here." Cedric leapt over  the side of the large bathtub to great us.

"Ew don't hug me, your wet." I grimaced. The other girls smirked. "What?"

"Oh sweet innocent Lillia."Alex sighed.

Huh? "Ohhh, wait, eww y'all are nasty!" I slapped Prim playfully on the arm.

"Oh well, let's just get in the pool, bathtub?." Addison questioned and changed the subject immediately. We shrugged and dumped our stuff to the side.

Third person

As the girls took off their cover ups, everyone's eyes were on them.

Everyone had been to a pool party with Addison, Prim, Alex and Quinn before and knew what to think but they didn't expect Lillia.

The males being males were eyeing her up and down repeatedly, making Lillia extremely uncomfortable. A series of wolf-whistles were erupting from some boy's mouths.

Dear my very sweet angel ▸Cedric Diggory [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now