Chapter 43

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Saturday 3rd December
Dear my very sweet angel


The whole castle was buzzing with excitement as people were asking people left and right about whether they would attend the Yule Ball with them.

"Ugh, not one boy has asked me to the ball yet, what if I end up going alone?" Alex groaned. I dangled my legs from the wooden bench we sat on in the courtyard.

"Just give it time Al, I'm sure someone will ask you soon. Besides, what's wrong with going alone?" I asked.

"Well, it's just sad if I go alone." She played with a strand of hair. "Also, it's not like you would know, you've got Diggory to take you." She winked suggestively.

I blushed at the sheer thought of the grey-eyed boy.

"And, on top of all that, you've still got boys asking you almost every day." She complained.

"Not every day!" I protested. "Five guys asked me!"

"Way to make me feel better." She grumbled.

"Sorry! Do you want a cookie?" I offered her one from the Tupperware container.

"Who in their right mind would say no to one of your glorious cookies, Lills?" Alex exclaimed as she grabbed a chocolate chip cookie. "Oh."


"I think Potter's coming over here." She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. I turned around to where she was staring and indeed Harry and his ginger friend stood there. I awkwardly waved at him and he averted his attention elsewhere and left.

"That was weird." I shrugged and bit into another cookie.

"What are you even wearing to the ball anyway?"

"That's a surprise."

"Aww, Lills, don't be like that." She moaned.

"You'll see when the time comes, Alex."

"Fine. Well, I've gotta finish my transfiguration essay, see ya!" She hopped off the bench and swung her bag over her shoulder before leaving.

"Bye." I was left alone on a bench so I just gazed at the clouds.

"What on earth are you doing?" I heard Cedric's smooth voice ask.

"Looking at clouds, what does it look like I'm doing?"

"Fair enough." I looked at him and kissed his cheek briefly.

"What are you doing here? I thought you had a lesson?"

"The bell just went."

"It did?"

"What were you thinking about so deeply that you didn't hear the bell?"

"I wasn't thinking of anything."

"Not even me?" He joked.

"Not even you," I confirmed. He wrapped his arm around me and I buried my head into his shoulder.

"You guys are so cute, it makes me wanna vomit." We both looked at the source of the sound to see Quinn and Prim.

"Hey, guys." I hummed. "Do you want a cookie?" I handed them the box. They took it greedily.

"Hey! I want a cookie too!" Cedric pouted.

"That's cute but you've already had enough." I scolded teasingly.

Dear my very sweet angel ▸Cedric Diggory [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now