A Zoo

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***A/N Okay, here it is 😭😓 final part yall. This one is gonna be in third person also no smut in the last chapter sorry fam.***

The party's in full swing; friend's are laughing, people are dancing, children are playing, waiters carrying trays of appetizers and drinks. Both kevin and Edd are having the time of their lives.

Kevin excuses himself from the group he was talking to and heads for the bathroom. He looks in the mirror and pulls out a small velvet box. 'Dont be nervous, Kev' he thinks to himself. He opens the box and stares at the ring. 'Im gonna make this dork mine. Forever.'

A knock echoes across the bathroom and Kevin frantically shoves the small box in his pocket. Edd peaks his head in, "Kevin? You okay pumpkin?"

Kevin turns around and smiles at the sight of his soon to be fiance. He extends his arms and grabs the air with his hands, "Yeah!" "Come here baby."

Edd opens the door fully, stepping in, and then shuts the door behind, making way to his pumpkin. "Whatcha doin in here?"

Kevin kisses Edd and holds him tight. "Just got a little overwhelmed with the party."

Edd leans back and raises his eye brow, "You?" "Kevin barr." "The king of all things party." "Got overwhelmed, by the party?"

Kevin chuckles, "Well, you gotta admit this ones bigger than any of the others."

Edd nods "Dats true"

Kevin chuckles, "You've changed dork" Edd raises an eyebrow, "Did you hear the words that just came out of your face?"

Edd giggles, "Yeah, I suppose I have." "You've rubbed off on me." "I dont speak so formally anymore." Edd and Kevin sit in an embrace for a few minutes. Edd looks up at Kevin, "Oh! Happy Anniversary!" "I dont think we've said that to each other yet."

Kevin chuckles, "You're right!" "Happy Anniversary!" The two share a long kiss. "We should probably go back out there."

"I suppose so." Edd let's go and walks out the door, followed by kevin.

"OooOoo! Get busy in the middle of the party, are we?" Nat chimes.

"Shut up." Kevin grumbles.

The party continues for while then it's time for food. Kevin's team makes quick work to dish out everyone's preferred entree, soon everyone is sitting in various locations eating and enjoying themselves and their company.

After the food, Kevin drags Edd up a few stairs and taps a glass getting everyone attention. "Okay everyone!" "If I could have your attention!" 'Okay here goes' "I'm glad all of you could join us for tonight!" "As I'm sure you all know its Edd and I's sixth anniversary." He turns to edd and stares at him longingly, "I'm so glad you ran into me in the hall way." "I'm so glad I was an idiot in highschool and had to have you tutor me." "I am so glad that you got soaking wet in the rain." Edd blushes at the memory of their first sexual encounter, the onlookers look a bit confused but happy nonetheless "I am so glad that you are in my life." Kevin sinks to one knee and stares up at Edd, a massive smile growing across Edds face, the crowd gasping and aweing. "I want you to be in my life forever and grow old with you." "Will you marry me?" Edd looks down shaking his head still smiling.

Edd sinks down to one knee and pulls out his own box, "Only if you'll marry me" Kevin looks shocked and pulls Edd into a hug and then a passionate kiss. They sit on the stairs and exchange rings then stand up and flash their hands at the audience, earning a few excited screams, mostly from Nazz, and a lot of awes.

The couple make their way through the crowd and the party continues as normal, now labeled as their engagement party.

Soon the party ends and the two are lying in bed after a passionate session of love making, staring at each other and their rings. Edd's being the family heirloom, resized, and Kevin's being a simple silver band with embedded jewels, a small opal and a diamond on either side of it.

Kevin's staring at his ring 'it matches perfectly' "Do you like it?" Edd questions

"Absolutely!" "It's beautiful baby." "Thank you."

"Look at the inside" Kevin looks confused and pulls the ring off looking at the engraving 'Vincent-Barr'

Kevin smiles. "I like the sound of that."

"Really?" "You're okay with me not completely taking your last name?"

"Of course baby" "You're a teacher and your own person" "To be honest I wasnt expecting you to take any part of my last name and I was okay with that."

Edd smiles and gives Kevin a kiss, "Thank you for understanding." "I had to add 'Barr' in there somewhere, need people to know I got me a man."

Kevin chuckles, "Damn right you do!"
He pulls Edd in closer and they snuggle into each other.

"Kevin?" Edd coos, Kevin responds with a 'hmm?' "Do you want children?"

Kevin pulls back a bit and looks at Edd, "Haven't really thought about it" he thinks for a second "I dont think I mind either way."

"So you wouldn't mind if we didnt?"

"Not really." "You dont want kids?"

Edd shakes his head no. "None of the reasons people would have children really apply to me or rather us." Kevin just nods in response. They snuggle back down into each other.

"Wait!" Edd panicks and looks at Kevin. "We gotta have animals though.."

Edd giggles, "Ofcourse Kevin" he settles back into Kevin's chest. "What animals?"

"I feel like we need a couple dogs and maybe a couple cats" "Oh! Maybe a snake or two!" "What do you want?"

Edd thinks for a second, "I'd really like to add some insects to that list and maybe some fish" "Oh! And I saw this video about rats! They're so cute kevin!" "Can we please get rats?" "Oh! And a bird!"

Kevin chuckles, "We can have a whole zoo and I'd be perfectly fine with it" Edd squeaks in excitement and then the two lay down and fall asleep on one another.

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