Chicken Parmesan

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***A/N: theres a lot of the use of the word 'daddy' in this chapter, so if that's something that makes you uncomfortable then you can skip the chapter. This chapter isn't incredibly important to the story line just some fluff and important stuff at the end. It's safe to read when you see the little '❤'. Just as an FYI if you weren't aware of why some people say 'daddy' when they refer to their significant other it's not like a daddy issues kinda thing it's just kinda, like, a name that's used when you feel really loved and protected.. so ya. Now you know. Okay authors note over.***


As we ride to the store to grab some ingredients for whatever Kevin was gonna make, I held onto him tight resting my face, well helmet really, on his back. I had become accustomed to this mode of transportation, although unsafe, there was something about it, so free.

We came to a stop in front of the grocery store I hopped off the bike handing Kevin my helmet. He had bought me my very own and said I could decorate it how I pleased, so I did. The base of the helmet is black but I've stuck so many stickers on it you wouldn't be able to tell. Kevin, however, liked the sleek look of a plain helmet, I snuck a little heart sticker on the back though when he wasnt looking. Kevin tossed the helmets into the side compartment then pulled out his reusable bags and we walked into the store.

"Go pick out some snacks and stuff and I'll grab supplies for dinner." "I wanna surprise you plus, like, divide and conquer, right?

I nodded and smiled, "Any requests pumpkin?"

"Doritos and something sweet, I know you have a sweet tooth." I blushed and then we went our separate ways.

I was standing in the chip aisle, deciding on what chips I would want for myself and a pair of tiny hands came up and wrapped around my eyes. "Guess who?" It was Nazz!

I spun around and hugged her, "Omigod! Nazzy!" I squeezed her tightly and picked her up off the ground.

She giggled hard, "Hi my Edd!" "Haven't really seen you in awhile!"

My face fell; Kevin and I were spending so much time together, planning our future and just plain enjoying each other's company that our friendships kinda got neglected. "I'm sorry Nazz, its just-"

My sentence was cut short by a little finger being pressed to my lips. "Shh shh, its ok. You dont need to explain or worry about it." " We dont feel neglected, or at least, Nat and I don't I'm sure the other Ed's feel the same though." This chick is a mind reader. "No I can't read minds, I can just read people very well."

I sat there and blinked rapidly and she giggled. "Anyway.." I said still mildly freaked out, "Have you thought about your career path?"

"Yeah, I actually have everything settled already! I'm going to be a therapist or something similar!" "College picked out and everything."

"That's great Nazzy!" I gave her kiss on the cheek and she returned it.

I heard a voice call from the end of the aisle "Hey! Whatcha doing kissing my boyfriend?" he chuckled.

"Kevvy!!!!" She ran up and practically jumped in his arms giving him a big smooch on the cheek. "I thought you might be here!" "You two are almost always together!"

Kevin's face fell in the same way mine did, he went to speak and Nazz looked at me blinking her eyes. "Don't worry about it Kevin, we already talked about it" I smiled softly. He nodded.

Nazz peaked into his reusable bag, "Whatcha got there? Anything good?" He chuckled and then leaned in, he cupped his hand around her ear and whispered. I narrowed my eyes at him and he smiled, I couldn't help but smile. "Ugh! That sounds delicious!"

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