The ER

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Edds POV:

I turned around box still in my hand and Kevin looked kinda shocked and nervous. "No no no!" "I-" he sighed. "I don't know how to say this with out making it sound bad." he said rubbing the back of his neck.

I blinked out of my shock and looked at him, "Just tell me. Its okay." I reassured him with a smile. I'm not sure the meaning of this ring but I'll probably be fine with whatever he says.

"I didnt intentionally go out and buy the ring, it's a family heirloom. My mom gave it to me, she said it was my grandmother's. I didnt really plan on asking you to marry me any time soon." I smiled at him warmly. He cleared his throat, "Do you like it?"

I ran up and hugged him, "Yes kevin! It's absolutely stunning!"

He cleared his throat again, "You wanna try it on?"

I shrugged, "Sure" I took it out of the box and put it on my finger. I kinda stared at it and smiled. I could see this on my finger some day.

We heard another voice from behind and we turned, it was Nazz and she had a massive smile on her face. "OMIGOD!!" she screamed.

Both kevin and I looked at each other and then at Nazz "No No No No! It's not what you think!" Kevin and I yelled in unison.

She looked confused and approached us, "Didn't I just see one of my best friends get proposed to??"

Nat came out of the door, "Hey, whats going on out-" "Kev!" "You know I'm gonna be your best man right?!"

Then Ed and Eddy came out, "What's all the com-" Eddy paused. "Double! Bro!"

Both Kevin and I pinched the bridge of our noses. Kevin spoke up, "It's not what you're thinking. I didn't propose to Edd, he was just looking at it. My mom gave it to me. It was my grandmother's." 

Everyone let out an 'awwe' and then a sigh. Probably disappointed he didn't actually propose, but I wasnt, It confirmed Kevin loved me, I didnt need to have it on my finger to know that.

"Can we go inside now the food it probably getting cold?"

I nodded, "Yes let's go inside" the gang walked back inside but Kevin and I stayed for a minute. "Now that I know this exsist, do you want to keep inside?"

He rubbed the back of his and spoke, "Nah, I'd like to keep it in the side pocket... Ya know.... in case of emergency."

I pulled him in and gave him a long kiss. "That's very sweet of you Kevin." "Just so you know, I'm not pressuring you into marriage. I assume at one point well probably both decide its time we get married but I'm in no rush. So don't stress about it okay?"

He let out a sigh of relief and buried his face in my neck. "Thank you Dee." "You don't know how much those words mean to me." "I've been stressing ever since my mom gave me the ring a couple weeks ago." "Kinda glad you found it on accident." he chuckled. "We should actually go inside the food might already be cold, I'll have to reheat it." "Let's take this off and put it back yeah?" "No pressure to take it off just.. I dunno.. whatever you want."

I kissed Kevin. "That's very sweet of you." I went to pull off the ring but it didn't budge. I twisted it on my finger and it still didnt move. I looked up at Kevin, panicking and he looked at me back.

We walked inside and everyone noticed I still had the ring on and they all gave us confused looks. Both of us just stood there panicking. "I can't get it off" tears welling in my eyes, anxiety coursing through my veins. It's not that I wanted to take it off forever, I just wanted to put it up and leave it for another time. "I dont know what to do." "I can't get it off"

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