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***A/N just a bonus smutty chapter***

Kevin's POV

Ever since Edd and I had sex for the first time he's been such a minx, constantly pulling me aside during school to get some or give some head, riding me almost every day I come over, he's been flirting extra hard and teasing me when he can just to get me going. It's like the flood gates opened, like all of that repressed sexual frustration is finally getting satisfied and he can't get enough.

Don't get me wrong, I love Edd and I love watching him in ecstasy as we have sex but it's becoming a little too much, it's honestly exhausting. Plus the, somewhat, "vanilla" sex is gettin' a little old. I need to talk to him.

I walk up to Edds locker and wait for him to meet me there, getting distracted in my thoughts when I feel small hands cover my eyes, "Guess who pumpkin!"

I smile, "I think it might be some hot dude with soft hands and a nice butt"

He giggles and makes his way to my front giving me a hug. "You want to come over today?" He purrs

Okay I guess this conversation needs to happen now. "Edd... we need to talk."

I see his expression fall and his eyes get glossy with tears. "Are you going to break up with me?" He questions, letting a tear fall.

Oh shit. No. I didnt even think about this being a possible reaction. I quickly pull him in for a hug and kiss the top of his head "No! Absolutely Not! I love you and I always will." "Dont cry, baby" "I didnt think about how that sounded."

He looks up at me, "so what do you want to talk about?"

I sigh and look down at his beautiful eyes and soft face, leaning in I kiss him. "Let's go talk outside, hm?"

He nods and follows me outside to a bench in the common area of the school. "Am I in trouble?" He looks up at me

I shake my head no, "No baby. Not at all" I grab his hands. "Okay. I dont want you to take this the wrong way because I love you, I just want to communicate with you, okay?" He nods. "As much as I find you sexy as hell and love pleasuring you, it's getting a little too much" "I'm constantly exhausted"

He looks at me and softly smiles, "is that all?"

"Um, kinda.." I sigh. "I love you so much and I definitely don't find you boring, because hot damn, but it's getting a little repetitive"

He looks wide eyes and blushing staring at our hands with our finger intertwined, then mumbles "I wouldn't mind getting into some more kinks" "ya know, trying some new stuff"

I smile at him and pull him in for a kiss.  "I dont want to pressure you into doing something you don't want to baby"

He shakes his head no, "as I'm sure you know by now" his face goes beet red and looks around before he almost whispers, "I'm a pretty kinky person" "I'd like to explore that with you"

I smile and kiss him. "Okay, I'm gonna go to Spencer's after school, do you want to come with or just let what I get be a surprise?"

He thinks for a second, "A surprise but.." he looks down bashfully again, " I have some requests"

I smirk and kiss him, "anything baby" "what do you want?"

He's blushing so hard and can't look me in the eyes. He mumbles, "maybe some handcuffs?" "Or something to spank me with" I didn't think this man could blush any harder but I was wrong.

I chuckle and pull him into a hug, leaning down and purring into his ear, "that sounds like a lot of fun." He shivers and let's out a little gasp. "Okay let's get you to class before you're late"

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