Chicken Nuggeys

800 11 4

***A/N: this takes place a couple years into the future***

Kevin's POV

I leaned against the wall outside of Edd's dorm room and tapped my food, waiting.

He walked out and I smiled "Hey baby"

He smiled back and wrapped his arms around my neck giving me a kiss and I held him close, melting into the kiss. "Hi pumpkin." He kissed me again. "Shall we go?"

"We shall!" Its been so long since Edd and I had a date night out, we've been so busy with classes that our interactions have kinda been limited to studying, doing homework, the occasional movie night, and us fucking or just plain enjoying the other sexually. I need a date night with my love.

We walked out of the dorms and made our way to my motorcycle. I handed him his helmet and put on mine. We hopped on and rode to the movie theater.

We walked up to the ticket booth and contemplated our choices, eventually deciding on the new Annabelle movie, despite the fact that Edd is a shy and timid person he really prefers horror movies to any other.

We walked into the entrance area. "You go find us some seats and I'll grab some food." "Want anything?"

"Something sweet please" "maybe some m&ms?"

I nodded "Sounds good." "I'll meet you in the theater" he smiled and walked off.

I bought our snacks and made my way to the movie, I looked around for Edd and I saw him waving at me from seats fairly close to the back. I smiled and jogged up, leaning in and giving him a kiss. "Hey baby"

"Hey daddy" "what'd you get?"

I sat down in the seat next to him and showed him my haul. "Got some peanut m&ms, a bag of popcorn, I got you some juice and me a soda, and then, ofcourse.." I pulled out two white spheres splattered with colorful splatters, Edd's face lit up.

"Some jaw breakers!?" "Omigoodness!" He grabbed one and popped it in his mouth, moaning at the taste.

I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "How you gonna eat the other snacks with that in your mouth?"

He paused for a second, "I didnt think about it...." "I got too excited..."

I chuckled and held my hand out, "Gimmie."

"Kevin, that is incredibly unsanitary"

"So you'll suck my dick and make out with me but you won't spit your jawbreaker into my hand?" He blushed and spit out the jawbreaker into my palm. I didnt really have a plan on what do with it so I kinda just looked around. Ah! I set it on the lid of my drink and shrugged "All better?" He shrugged back. I handed him his m&m and propped my feet on one of the chairs in front of us, leaning back. Despite the fact that this movie was recently released there weren't very many people in the theater, mainly, just a couple, couples a few rows down. I wrapped my arm around Edd and started watching the premovie commercials.

After the movie had started, Edd was enthralled. He would occasionally, blindly, reach over, grab a handful of popcorn and toss it in his mouth. An evil grin spread across my face. I waited for him to grab a handful of popcorn then moved the bag off of my lap and waited. A few moments later Edd reached over to grab popcorn and his hand fell right on my crotch.

He looked over at me and blushed, "Kevin.."

"Yes baby?" I purred

"What are you doing?" He giggled

I shrugged. "Nothing." "Just relaxing" "What about you?" His hand still placed on my crotch.

"Gimme back the popcorn, I wanna watch the movie." he cooed

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