The Closet

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***A/N: soooo basically... I've fallen back in love with writing and I got an idea for the next part (and maybe the part after this one) so here we go, let me know if you like it, loves ❤ also... smut***

Kevin's POV:

Towards the end of our study session Edd speaks up, "So what's going to happen at school tomorrow?" he asks, his voice dripping with anxiety. I sit and think for a second about what he's referring to, then it hits me, "Oh! Well, what would you like to happen?" I move closer to him and hold his hands. He blushes and turns his head "I don't know. What would be best? What happens if someone finds out and isn't happy about it?" He rambles off. "Okay, Listen. We'll keep it on the down-low for now until you feel comfortable, Okay?", Edd nods in agreement.

Edd packs up his books and notes, I kiss him and let him outside where he then walks across the street to his, seemingly empty, house. I always found it odd that the house showed no sign of life except the occasional light turning on with Edd walking around in the living room and kitchen, I don't think I've ever noticed his parents at the house. I go to bed smiling thinking about Double-Dork.

*Time Skip*

I arrive at school and see Edd hanging out with Ed and Eddy, our eyes lock, I smile and give him a wink, his face rushes with blood, turning bright red; I love doing that to him.

Throughout the day Edd and I make some glances at each other, I can't help but stare, he's. just. so. cute.

Luckily Edd and I share two periods toward the end of the day, Science and English. Despite the fact that Edd is somewhat of a teacher's pet he sits in the back of the classroom due to his anxiety, luckily, I sit right behind him. An evil grin spreads across my face when I realize I can mess with him during class without people seeing.

I walk into the noisy English class to see, by no surprise, Edd sitting in his seat, he looks at me and blushes, giving me a smile. I make my way to the seat behind his and lean forward whispering in his ear, "Well, Hello there handsome" startling Edd, he let's out a squeak, I don't need to see his face in order to know he's blushing, I giggle, satisfied with myself. Soon the teacher comes in and says "Okay everyone! Time to quiet down. Let's begin.".

As the teacher continues to go on about different authors I take my pencil and run it down the back of Edd's neck, he let out a soft moan before quickly covering his mouth with his hand hoping no one heard it. I write a note on a small piece of paper that reads 'I love hearing that sound ;)' and toss it in front of him, he jumps a little when it hits his desk. He quickly reads it and responds, tossing it back, 'Stop it, you're making me blush and you need to pay attention :)'. I smile and write back 'Why do I need to pay attention when I've got such an amazingly smart, and sexy, tutor ;)', I toss it forward again but this time I take a minute to graze the back of his neck with my fingertips and he let's out a small moan, covering his mouth again. God, I love hearing him make that sound, more importantly, I love being the one to make him moan. I'm lost in thought and I'm forming a little bit of a chub when the papers tossed back to me, 'Stop! Someone's going to notice', I write back 'I'm going to ask to go the bathroom and you are too, wait a bit after I ask ;)' I toss the paper forward and then raise my hand. "Yes?" The teacher nods at me, "Can I use the restroom please?",  she thinks for a second, "Okay but go quickly." As I walk out I turn around and give Edd a wink, he, of course, starts blushing. I wait by the bathroom when I hear the classroom door open and see the shy boy walk out.

Edd walks up to me, "What on earth do you think you're doing!?", I just smile and grab his hand pulling him into a nook just in front of the janitor's closet. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I kiss him, hard, he responds with a light moan and kisses me back. "We're going to get caught" he shutters out. I look around and settle on trying to open the janitor's closet, luckily it opens, game on. I push him into the closet and he gasps, I pin him against the door and start kissing his neck, making him moan. I knead at his hips and ultimately decide to pick him up, as I do he instinctively wraps his legs around my waist, God he's so hot. I hold him up against the door continuing to bite and kiss on his neck, trying my best to not leave hickeys, despite the fact that I desperately want to mark him as my own. He keeps letting out little moans until I find his sweet spot and he moans loudly and starts panting, "Kevin... P-please...", I growl and dig deeper into that spot paying extra attention to it. "Please what? What do you want baby?", I can feel how hard he is so I buck my hips up a little causing him to let out quite a loud moan, "Is that what you want baby?" He nods quickly "Yes please sir" "Mmm 'Sir', I like that. Sounds good coming out of your mouth". I buck my hips once again and he lets out an even louder moan I put my hand over his mouth and shush him "but it feels so good!" he pants, I keep my hand over his mouth and continue bucking my hips up and he uncontrollably moans into my hand as our hard members graze against each other. Suddenly, we're brought back to reality by the sound of footsteps in the hall, we halt in place and listen intently. I gently let Edd down and we back away from the door, luckily, the footsteps recede. "I-i think we should probably get back to class." Edd stutters out, "but I really really  want to keep making you moan like that." I respond pulling him into me, hugging him tightly.

A few seconds go by of us just hugging in the closet before Edd speaks up, "it's so dark in here, I don't like it.", I decide its probably time for us to go so I shift towards the door and crack it open, wincing at the brightness, the coast is clear so I open the door up and let Edd out "after you, my prince" I bow, he smiles and walks out, I follow close behind pinching his butt cheek. Once we're out in the light I get a good look at him and start laughing, "babes, you look like a mess", he rushes into the bathroom, I follow behind. Edd gasps once he sees how disheveled he looks, "oh my" he says fixing his hat into place, tucking in a few strands of raven hair, and straightens his shirt, then he comes to the realization that he's still incredibly hard and attempts to adjust himself in his pants, his boner is hidden but he looks incredibly uncomfortable. "Would you like me to fix that?" I ask, looking at him seductively. "N-no thank you, we really n-need to go back to class" he states unsure of his answer. I shrug my shoulders, take a quick peek in the mirror and straighten myself up before turning to Edd "Okay, I'll go back first since I left first, you wait a minute before you come back.", he nods in response. I make my way down to the classroom and open the door walking in and taking a seat. I check the clock, we've been gone for 5-ish minutes. As I settle in I see Double-Dork walk into class looking incredibly flustered and still, somewhat, a mess. We make eye contact and I wink at him causing him to blush even harder. 

The rest of the day continues on like normal, I tease him the second class I see him as well, in the same fashion, and soon its the end of the day and the bell rings for schools ending. 

I see Edd talking and laughing with the other Ed's and approach them, "Hey Nerds." I say causing Double D to jump, when he turns around he goes wide-eyed and gives me a look of confusion and urgency, "S-salutations Kevin. Do you need our assistance?" "Actually, Double-Dork, I need you to tutor me again, for English this time" I smirk, remembering earlier. "O-okay Kevin. Shall we meet after school again?" he questions smiling, "Actually, if you'd like, we can just ride my bike to one of our houses so we can study right after school." I feel like my hearts going to beat out of my chest at the thought of Double D with his arms around my waist. Edd's eyes go wide "K-Kevin motorcycles are incredibly dangerous!", I chuckle in response "Oh come on Dork, live a little!" at this point, I notice the incredibly confused expressions coming off of the other two Dorks faces, I click my teeth and put on my best tough guy face, clearing my throat, trying to mask my amusement for Edd's attitude. Edd takes notice and finally speaks up trying to end the conversation, "Fine Kevin, I will ride the motorcycle." "Meet me by my bike in 5 minutes" I say sternly, Edd nods


Okay, so I don't like ending on a "To Be Continued" but this bitch is already over 1600 words and that's, like, a lot so.... to be continued I guess, don't worry y'all, I won't leave you hanging. Hope you enjoyed this chapter :D

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