That First Real Glance

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Edited: Also, at the time of writing this I was really into Tobuscus so that's what's with the intro

Hello once again audience! You guys seem to love my writing so here's one for all you KevEdd fans out there. I've been wanting to write a gay smut/story for a while I just hadn't chose what couple I wanted to do. I think I'll do a Gallovich story next if I feel up to it.
If the title, description, and words above these didn't make it obvious enough, this a gay smut, aka boy x boy. I hope you all enjoy and lets jump in. Oh! This will also be a switching POV thing so there will be I's and me's. Okay NOW let's jump in.

Kevin's POV

My mind wonders as I stroll through the barren hallways. Lunch bell rang but I'm not hungry and I can't be bothered to interact with friends today. I need to try to do some homework or at least study for all the tests I have, after all I don't want to be stuck in high school forever. Maybe I'll have Double-Dork help me. How the fuck do I ask for help without asking for help?

I'm suddenly shaken out of my train of thought by what feels like running into cling film. I look down to see Double-Doofus collecting his belongings. I instinctually bend down to help pick up books and papers that have flown everywhere.

"Oh my, I'm-m incredibly sorry Kevin! I didn't see you, I guess I was engaged in my own t-thoughts" Double D staggers out. "Please don't assault me!" he winces ready for a beating.

"Oh fuck it. I can't be bothered today dork." I huff out. I look up only to make direct eye contact with Double D. What the fuck?!

He clears his throat, looks down and continues picking up books. "T-thank you Kevin. It won't happen again I promise." Suddenly a questioning look melts over his face "If I may ask, why aren't you in lunch today?"

"How 'bout this, you don't ask stupid questions that set you up for a beating and instead you show me how to do my homework?" I spit out.

Suddenly Double D's face lights up and a giant smile showing off that gap in between his two front teeth appears. "Oh K-Kevin! I'd love to! What subject would that homework be for?!" He practically squeaks with excitement. What the fuck?!

I scratch the back of my neck and look down "All of them." A shocked look overwhelms the look of excitement and he nods.

"O-Okay well. That's fine, however I don't think we'll be able to cover everything with one study session. Is that okay? Also where would should we hold said study sessions?" The look of excitement returns and there's that stupid smile again. What the fuck?!

"My house after school, here's your shit dork." I toss what books and papers I've picked up into his overloaded arms. As I'm walking away I hear a faint 'sounds good Kevin". I make a peace sign in the general direction without looking back.

Study Sessions (KevEdd Smut/Story)Where stories live. Discover now