Studying 101

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***A/N: I forgot which author on here created a scene similar to this so if you know or care, leave it in the comments, I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️ enjoy the smut and a little story***

Kevin's POV:

I kick the locker next to me and groan, crumpling the piece of paper in my hand. Apparently, I need to raise my grades to 'continue my participation in any extracurricular activities' Bullshit! All bullshit! You would think with the smartest boyfriend in school it would've rubbed off on me, but nooOooo. Edd's going to be so fucking disappointed in me, I don't feel like hearing it. I need his help though...

I walk over to Edd's locker and shrink to the floor in front of it, just waiting for the bell to ring. I pull my knees to my chest and rest my head on my arms and close my eyes.

I'm awoken by the bell and then I look up and see an Edd above me "What's wrong pumpkin?" 

"I need your help" I say plainly.

He sinks to the floor next to me and rests his head on my shoulder, "Anything pumpkin"

"Okay." I rest my head on his head. "Don't yell at me" he lifts his head and looks at me, eyes curious, all I can do is look down, "My grades suck." I sigh.

He pulls my face to meet his so we're looking at each other, "Okay." "Let's fix it, shall we?" He gives me a small smile and a kiss. I nod. "What classes are we talking about?"

I look down and rub the back of my neck, "Everything but PE and History" I look up to see him giving me a glare.

He stands up and extends his hand, "Alright let's go home and fix it."


I belly flop onto Edd's bed and toss my bookbag aside. "I don't get it Edd"

"What don't you get pumpkin?" He sits down next to me.

I prop myself on one elbow lying on my side "How can you be so smart and cute and I'm just like.... stupid?"

He pushes me on my back and straddles me. I like where this is going... "You're not stupid pumpkin, you just lack motivation" "How do we motivate you?"

I place my hands on his hips and shrug "dunno." A smile grows on his face, not like a happy smile... an evil smile... " what?" "That smiles a little scary"

He chuckles, "I have an idea.." I raise an eyebrow. "Need to work out the logistics for it though."


Edd plops onto the bed with a piece of paper in his hands. "Okay!" "So not much motivates you but I know one thing that absolutely motivates you" I nod and raise an eyebrow. "Me." He smiles.


"You like me, right?"

I narrow my eyes "that's a dumb question."

"I'll be your motivation." "Look!" he shoves the paper towards me, it reads:

10 correct = I kiss you
20 correct = I sit on your lap
30 correct = I touch you
40 correct = You can touch me
50 correct = BJ/HJ
60 correct = Anything you want.

I look up and see proud Edd "What do you think?" "Sound good?"

I raise my eyebrow and nod "Not bad." "I'm pretty impressed... and very motivated"

He giggles, "Okay let's begin."

I passed the 30 mark on math homework alone and we still have biology and english left. It's becoming increasingly harder to pay attention with Edd sitting on my lap, his hands running up and down my chest, occasionally playing with my hair.

Study Sessions (KevEdd Smut/Story)Where stories live. Discover now