one is heart and other is heartbeat

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Samads pov

I peeked through the curtain and watched her crying, it broke my heart, I never in my life thought I will behave like this with her.

I am angry with her.

Its taha's obstinance that he wants to marry amal, just like it was arhams obsession.

when she chose arham over me, I wasnt angry with her, because I thought she doesnt love me,
later when I came to know that she did love me at that time, I still wasnt angry since I knew she did whatever she could for her parents sake.

but now?
she admits she loves me,
she loves me like no one ever loved me,
yet she chooses someone else over me,
she chooses someone else's stupid irrational wish over me,
I thought I lost her,
but I got a second chance,
I decided I will not let her go this time,
I will not take this blessing for granted,

and what she did?

she took everything for granted,
she took our sacrifices for granted,
she chose to take our love,
our pain,
our heartbreak,
our longing for each other for granted.

I will wait for her to fight this time,
to take a stand for herself,
to choose herself,

If she doesnt, I'll never see her again,
i won't stop loving her,
I can never unlove her,
but I will disappear from her life.

Amals pov

"come on let's go amal" taha helped me stand up

"yeah he himself kicked you out, he doesnt need you, lets go home" dominic said with rage.

I sniffled and looked at taha, my eyes begging him to set me free.

taha and I have a bond where I dont have to say anything yet he understands everything I want to say, even when I cant put it in words I dont have to worry he understands it, just like now he knows what my eyes are saying.

his face hardened by the look in my eyes.

he gently grabbed my wrist and led me towards the car, he made me sit at the back seat and sat with me and wiped my face with his handkerchief,

he was hurt by my tears,
it breaks his heart to see me like this,
he looked at me with so much love that I felt more guilty and ashamed.

we waited at the airport since taha's jet was being prepared for the flight.

with every passing second, my heart got heavier, I felt something dying in me.

I looked at taha

I dont want to marry you taha,
but I cant lose you,
I love you taha,
but not as a lover.

I gathered all the strength I had in me to tell him all of the things I want to.

"taha I.." I was about to begin but a staff member came and informed us that we were ready to go.

with a heavy heart and hidden reluctance I walked along with taha and dominic,

we all were silent,
nobody said a word.

we all were walking in a line in the air gate

thats it,
I can't do this,
I will regret this all my life.

taha was walking infront of me, i took quick steps and grabbed his wrist which made him turn back and look at me.

I cant marry you taha,
I love him too much,
I got a second chance i cant just ignore it,
but I cant lose you taha,
you are just as important for me,
I need you in my life,
you are my only family.

but I couldnt say him a word that I was trying to say,

instead I said one and only thing that could make taha understand my situation

"I love him taha" I begged him without saying any other thing,
I just sobbed with barely audible voice and closed my eyes as tears sprung out of my eyes one after another,
constant crying making the hijab around chin wet,
my chest tightened in anxiety making it difficult for me to talk.

he didnt need to hear any other thing from me he already knew what I was thinking.

I tightened my cold fingers around his warm wrist, trying to gather some strength and support from him,

he adjusted his backpack on his shoulder and sighed.

"amal I never forced you to marry me, I never stopped you from going to samad, you are free to do whatever you want"

my face lit up in happiness,

"really?" I whispered with a wide grin

"but dont expect me to be your freind amal, I cant, everybody leaves me, my mother then ayat and now you, I wont be able to bear it, you can leave I understand but dont expect me to be the part of your and samads life" he freed his hand from my hold.

"you can leave amal, if you want to, I don't blame you, i dont hate you either, have a happy life" he smiled sadly looking at me with glossy eyes and walked inside the jet.

I stood there pressing my hand on my mouth, I broke into silent sobs.

"Ma'am? are you coming?" the air hostess asked maintaing a expressionless face.

if I go in that plane, I'll lose samad, my love, my bestfriend, my reason to live, my everything in this world

and if I don't I'll lose taha my only family, my freind, my guardian, everything in this world.

it's like asking me to either choose my heart or my heartbeat.

how can I choose?

I'll die no matter which I choose!

how can anyone choose either their heart or their heartbeat from the two?

it's impossible!!!!

what do you guys think amal will do?

answer me and I'll update rest of the chapter😈😈😈🤭🤭🤭🤭🤗🤗🤗

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