becoming a robot

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Amals pov

i reached college and switched on my phone i was about to call samad but before i did his call flashed on my cell i smiled i picked before i could say anything he said he wanted to meet me at cafe rooftop i said okay and went to lecture i left college at lunch break and went to cafe rooftop.

as i reached there it was fully decorated with yellow roses and balloons yellow is my favourite color and my favourite color rose too i thought,
there stood samad at the middle of the rooftop under this beautifull shed with white curtains and fairy lights in a red ferrari t-shirt which i always tell him looks best on him as soon as i reached the tent he bent down on his one knee and took out a ring as soon as i saw that ring i remembered everything as i was about to say him something he said

"please hear me out
i always loved you amal"

as he said our memories flashed and i realized i loved him all along

"i love you amal" he said

i love you too i thought

"i am happiest version of myself with you"
all our memories flashed and i thought

i am also happiest with you

"i want to spend rest of the life with you as your best friend partner in crime and love of your life"

me too samad me too i want to grow old with you i thought

"please marry me"

yes yes yes i yelled in my mind

my phone rang it was arham i was pulled back to reality
i ignored his call so he texted me if you are with a guy in that cafe ...I'll rip him into peices and feed them to you amal

if you dont call me in five minutes I'll be there before he can run away from me he texted again
i panicked

"no samad i dont love you
i will never love you
i am getting engaged on Thursday i came to invite you
but you ruined our freindship
dont talk to me ever"

with that i turned around and ran out
i ran out and called arham

he picked up in one ring and asked "who is there with you amal?"

" one"

"why are you not in college?"

"its my lunch break i came to"

"why not in canteen?"

"i was bored of canteen food"


i sighed in relief

"go home" he said

i asked "what???!!.. but i have some work left in college"

"go home... i said you... go home" he yelled loudly
"if you dont reach home in 20 mins I'll drag you home by your hair infront of everyone" with that he hung up

i love you too samad i kept saying this and crying then i realized i have to go home leaving all mt stuff at college i rushed home
when i reachef home i saw him already sitting there

as mum saw me she said "oh you came we were about to call you get ready arham is taking you to lunch"

i nodded and went upstairs as soon i closed my rooms door i started shivering i know somethings up what if he knows i met samad he will kill us both.
mum knocked i got out of my trance and got ready grabbing whatever came in my hand and went downstairs he wished allah hafiz to mom and we drove off whole ride he was silent i looked at him and asked him where are we going he said "be quiet if you love your life" i started sweating and shivering
he knows.... he knows.... he knows thats what i kept thinking in my mind

he stopped the car infront of his farm house as he told i dint get out he got out and snapped "get out and follow me in"

i was scared but i asked again "why are we both alone here?"

he nodded towards the sofa and told me to sit he was abnormally calm and composed i was scared it was the silence before the storm

he glared at me nodding towards the sofa i took off my sling bag and was about to sit
"give me the purse"

i looked at him shockingly he came and snatched the purse and glared i sat there shivering and sweating i felt like i would pass out at any moment
he took out my mobile and did something and then brought the poof that was near the sofa placed it infront of me and sat there my knees were touching the poof and his legs were on both sides of my legs
he sat keeping one hand on his knee and other on the arm rest of the sofa i was sitting on.
he came very close and said look up i looked up and he directly asked "who is samad?"

if i wasnt sitting i would have fell down cuz my legs were like jelly

i breathed heavily he asked again
"amal....who is samad i am asking you nicely you better answer"

i started "umm listen arh..."

i was stopped mid sentence when he threw my phone with such force that it shattered into peices i started crying he took the vase from the side table and yelled "WHO IS SAMAD!!!!!" and threw it i jumped up from seat and fell down again i kept my hands on my ears amd started yelling
my friend my friend my freind as i was repeating this he came and held my face in his hand and bent down to my eye level and asked "freind????" and then he nodded in a yes

"lets kill that boyfreind then"
with that he turned to leave i ran after him

"he is not my boyfreind please stop please"

he pushed me away and i fell on the floor "liar!!!!you wh*re let me deal with basta*d then I'll deal with you"

i stopped him "please believe me"
but he didnt stopped

i yelled "i swear on allah he is not my boyfreind!!!!"

he stopped and turn around i was still fallen on the floor he walked and sat infront of me and said "we still need to kill him for daring to meet you at a cafe"

i pleaded him again he didnt stop
i begged holding his legs i said

"please arham please i will never talk to anyone again i will not even talk to avantika"

i folded my hands while sobbing and begged him

"please leave him ...please dont kill him... please he is just a freind i swear, i swear"

he pulled my hair by my neck and made me standup and said "i deleted all social media and messaging apps from your phone and i blocked those two bastards number ...and you will go to college in naqab... and you will not talk to anyone no girl no boy... understood?"

i nodded fastly "yes yes i wont talk to anyone i will go in naqab"

" good" he said "now go wash your face i will drop you home"

i nodded and went to washroom i washed my faced and forced myself to not cry because if i did mumma will see it from my face she will understand i cried
i came downstairs he said smile i smiled like a robot i sat in the car and we drove home

hi guys are you liking the chapters or not or are they becoming plain and boring please do tell me i will improve it

love❤   neelam xo

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