hugs and slaps

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hey guys one quick thing before the chapter,
one of my reader Rumanaa786 is a fellow wattpad user, and as we all always think about writing a story on wattpad she also used to and now she finally has gathered the courage to write a book its "noor" its looking very interesting dont forget to check it out


pretty please???

just check it out please yaar guys

okay now go read the chapter

love love

Amal's pov

lilian the house maid asked for the laundry after she was done with her shift,

I quickly went towards arhams study and with trembling hands tore a yellow sticky note from its pad, folding it I slipped it In his suit pocket and went back into the living room handing the dirty laundry to her.

after she left I sighed in relief,

It's just been a minute, Lillian isnt out of the main gate yet, and I already cant wait for the response and what's gonna happen next.

shaking off all the thoughts I went to gym to workout,
I have to get fit as soon as possible, janet my trainer told me that when I'll get physically fit then only she will teach me to fight and to defend myself,
she says its too intense I need prepare my body for it first.

after the workout I went to shower and oh boy it felt so good,

i am exhausted!!!!,

my heels hurt,
everything hurts

I prepared a bath, using all the expensive bath salts and essential oils that were in the bathroom but I never used them before today.

I got into the tub and a relaxed sigh escaped from my mouth,

I felt so relaxed, but it was for very short as few minutes later my mind again started flooding with everything that has happened with me,

I rested my head on the little cushion and closed my eyes trying to ignore all the stress and enjoy the hot water and relaxing smell of oil and bath salts.

I don't know when I fell asleep but I woke up when i heard bedrooms door shut close.

I got out of the tub and wrapped a towel around my body and right on cue arham walked in.

looking at me he stopped dead in his tracks a smirk plasted on his face

"here you are" he said looking at me lustfully

extending his hand he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him with a jerk,
kissing me he tried to unwrap my towel

I stopped his hand to which he broke the kiss,
he looked at my hand which was at his hand stopping it from unwrapping the towel and his eyes changed from lustful to angry,

"what?" he growled lowly demanding an explanation

I gulped audibly

all the abuse and torture flashing in front of my eyes

"I...I am tired" I whispered in a shaukh voice

"doesnt matter" he snapped at me and tried to unwrap the towel which i was clutching tightly

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