i am giving an explanation

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you guys keep asking who the new guy is uff Allah how come no one remembers?

in the chapter "one step forward" amal and arham go to a party there a man approaches amal and tries to talk to her thinking he is some pervert amal stabs him In the hand with a fork later when amal goes to fertility doctor she finds a note in her coat pocket which read that leave a yellow paper in arhams dirty laundry which goes out every week as a yes signal, it was the note from the man from the party as it said at the end "p.s dont stab someone who is trying to help you it hurted like hell"
there was even mention of him In the next chapter and chapter after that atleast three times in every chapter amal wonders why Hasnt he sent a response,
literally last two to three chapters just revolved around the guy and his response,

I hope its clear now.


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