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samad's pov

I opened the service door and saw a white SUV waiting for me with a slightly ajar passenger door greeted me...I opened it and sat Inside as soon as I turned to look at the person I froze my mind stopped working I could not understand what is going on

"Ahmed bhai?" I asked more to myself

"bhai what is this?" I asked him confusion clouding my face

first I get a call from an unknown number that amal is not safe now..MY OWN COUSIN BROTHER who can talk to me whenever he wants decided to meet me secretly and how the hell is he connected to all of this mess??

end of recap

samad's pov

"ahmed bhai?" I looked at him not believing my eyes

he just glanced at me time to time while driving

"first I get a call that my best freind is in trouble then I am told than I am being followed and now my own cousin brother is my " secret well wisher" who by the way could have talked to me whenever he wanted but decided to pull all of this just to meet me in secret....would you care to explain?" I finished off my rant with a heavy breath

"samad..." he said and paused for a sharp inhale

"arham is my best freind...or was my best freind" he said stressing at 'was'

"all of this time....I...I..I never knew YOU were Amal's best freind,
until I saw you that day at the hospital and realized"

"but..I dont und..." I started to ask but he cut me off.

"please just hear me out till the end then I will answer all of your questions"

I stayed quiet unwillingly
taking the cue he continued

"to start from the beginning..." he said exhaling loudly
I could tell he was nervous he gripped the steering wheel tightly

"arham was my bestfriend since high school...we were like the rich guy...poor guy duo...the good boy and the bad boy duo of our school"

"he was the prankster...thr trouble maker...the famous one...popular among girls"

"I was the rich but innocent...studious..serious one"

"he was the typical high school stud of our school but one thing he never did that all the guys of his categories did"

"girlfriends...he never had any"
"he had girls falling at his feet but he never gave them any footage"

"he always said he was in love with this girl...his cousin" I looked at Ahmed bhai knowing very well who this girl was

"at senior year of high school we moved here to New York...but arham and I stayed in touch and he always said he is some day going to propose that girl and years later he did...but she rejected him" I sighed as my memory went back to the day when amal told me how his cousin brother proposed to her

"he was devastated" ahmed bhai said shaking his head

"he got an job offer here in New York so he flew here but he never moved on...he always thought of going back to her"

"he was heartbroken and to compensate that he drowned himself in his work soon he caught attention of his boss and started climbing up the success ladder suspiciously fast"

"he got rich and richer and along with it
power hungry...

"and then one day he tells me that he is the mafia boss of New York" as soon as my mind realized what bhai said I felt my whole world shaking

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