a deep sleep

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this chapter is for all my readers but first of all it's for lulu_ziya my lovely reader, she kept asking me for update, I am so grateful, this chapter is especially for her, i absolutely adore her❤❤❤

xo neelam

Amals pov

stone, a heavy stone was on my head,
pitch black darkness engulfed my whole form making me feel anxious, you know the darkness where you cant even sense the light outside your closed eyes, the darkness that makes you restless, the one that makes you want to open your instantly,

in a second I felt a hot wave of air escape from my ear, as if they were clogged by this air,

I could hear everything,
a buzzing sound of an air conditioner,
a beeping sound of familiar medical machineries,

I felt tingles in my toes all of a sudden making me curl my toes, as if my toes were incapable of sensing anything before, and I felt a soft furry thing rub over them,
a blanket it is,
the same tingle transformed into a shockwave and travelled up my body slowly making every part of my body awaken as if my senses were sleeping before.

my eyes opened voluntarily, the heaviness in my head was now a throbbing headache,

sharp light blinded my vision, pricking my cornea making my head throb more violently,

after what felt like an decade my eyes adjusted to the light only to realise they didnt, instead the light was dimmed.

I teared my eyes away from the ceiling and looked towards my left to see an unfamiliar room.

what the hell is going on?
where am I?
why can't I remember something that could explain this,

I coughed violently and tried to grip my head but my hands lacked energy.

I felt a gentle hand rub my right arm, I turned to see a blonde woman, a typical caucasian, blonde hair, blue eyes, tall and slim, a stethoscope dangling around her neck indicated that she is a doctor,

she helped me drink some water, as soon as the water gushed down my throat I realized how dry it was,

"slowly slowly, its enough for now"  the doctor lady said tenderly.

she adjusted the medical bed bringing it up for me to rest my back,

"what's....*cough* what's going on?
who are you? *coughs twice*
"where am I?" I asked her my voice hoarse and suppressed for some reason

"relax, I am doctor stephanie, and you are somewhere safe, dont take too much stress..." before I could hear further I felt my eyes getting heavy and drowsy and everything went black.

Taha's pov

"these are not f*cking proofs these shouldnt even be considered a joke, that'd be insult of jokes" I threw the photographs angrily.

"we have voice recordings, we have proof of him being at those locations we can easily turn him in" dominic replied boringly

"why do you have a dumpster in your head instead of a brain?,

while dominic sat there making bubbles from chewing gum, paying no attention to a single word I said,

what is he a 12 year old bratty teen girl???!!

"sometimes I am really curious as to why did I make YOU a 30 year old dumb man child my first in command?" I asked annoyed

"because I am your best freind, nepotism rocks, taha flops" he said making a 'yo' hand

I looked at him disgusted

what a child!!!

my phone beeped

I checked the message,

"what happened why are you so shocked, looking like a ugly ice statue" dominic asked pausing his video game.

"she's awake" I said in a voice that I dont think reached to anybody's ears.

"so what are you doing standing here you tall as* palm tree go to her!!" he snapped focusing on his video game

I got out of my trance and ran towards her room

I ignored a decent amount of people who were greeting and nodding me and kept running,

reaching near the door I knocked it eagerly

my heart thumping,
which I don't understand why?

but it's certainly not because of the running,

the door opened and stephanie appeared

"how is she, can I meet her?"

why am I so excited yet so nervous?
i never in my life felt anything like this

"umm, you are late, she fell asleep"

"what? why? why again?" I asked frantically

"relax, she just fell asleep, its normal, she'll wake up"

I nodded sighing in relief

"you can go in if you want" stephanie said

"no I am good I'll just wait here"

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