the lost heir

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Amal's pov

"shh don't yell" he whispered frantically

I couldnt really see his face he was wearing a black cap, black leather jacket his face was lowered.

with his other hand he removed his cap and my eyes got so wide I felt they would pop out any moment

he smirked at me

"hi there stabby pants"

he slowly removed his hand from my mouth and I just stood there shocked my jaw dropped to the floor

"" I staggered unable to form any proper word

he chuckled
"taha Malik at your service ma'am"
he said waving his cap and bowing down a little, but since the space is less our foreheads bumped a little

he chuckled"taha Malik at your service ma'am"he said waving his cap and bowing down a little, but since the space is less our foreheads bumped a little

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ladies and gentlemen I present to you taha malik🤤🤤

"what in world took you so long to send me an response?" I snapped finally grasping hold of myself

"why?... did you miss me?"
he asked leaning closer to me an ugly smirk gracing his lips

I pushed him away,
"maintain some distance, and can we talk out of this tiny bathroom stall please" I said looking at anywhere but him.

"why?? are you not able to resist my raw sexual energy?"
he asked another idiotic question, letting himself fall closer to me yet maintaining little to nothing distance, balancing his weight on his hands which he placed at both side of head.

I pushed him furiously
"maintain distance or I swear to god I'll stab your micropenis this time" I whisper yelled

staying with arham I heard so many cusswords i picked a thing or two, cusswords have become my first language now

"if I could do one thing to you right now, i will stitch up your dirty little mouth, you midget" he said his face stone cold his eyes burning with anger

i grinded my teeth looking at him furiously

"oh so you dont like being called short, i guess we have a nickname for you now" amusement clouding his face again.

"I am not short you are abmormally tall like a palm tree, what are you? great khali?"
I snapped

he opened his mouth to say something but I interrupted him

"I dont have time for all this bullshit, eric is standing right outside the door he will come in, if I take too long"

"yeah right, so we need to talk, and since you my rapunzel is trapped in that ugly house" he flicked my forehead and I glared at him rubbing my forehead trying my best to not rip his eyes out.

"I had to come up with a plan, listen carefully, you go on a run early morning everyday, when you get back to New York, sit on the bench you usually sit on to rest as soon as you enter the park, there will be a bluetooth and a cell phone, take it and hide it we will talk then, and your and that ugly octopuses guards will think you are running and talking to janet"

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