is he changing?

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Amals POV

I woke feeling sick a metallic taste forming in my mouth I rubbed my forehead trying to ease the throbbing headache in a few moments I felt bile rising up in my throat covering my mouth I ran to the bathroom and vomited whatever i ate last night after i was done i stood up and walked towards the sink panting,

I woke feeling sick a metallic taste forming in my mouth I rubbed my forehead trying to ease the throbbing headache in a few moments I felt bile rising up in my throat covering my mouth I ran to the bathroom and vomited whatever i ate last night a...

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I looked in the mirror and clutched my hair tightly hot tears slipping from my eyes

"I cant get pregnant" i said in a frustrated whisper, breathing rapidly

arham is a bad man, worse husband and he'll be a disgusting father, he is like cancer he destroys everybody

I broke into silent sobs
even though I kept saying I cant get pregnant I already knew in my heart that I already was

I washed my face did my wudhu and walked out of the bathroom, slipping a hoodie on and wrapping a hijab I offered my Salah and went to prepare some breakfast,

I am really hungry I eat a lot these days I prepared the breakfast and waited for arham to wake up
I looked at the clock, he will not wake up for three more hours

i clutched my stomach and rested my forehead on the dining table I felt my stomach grumbling

I sighed heavily
"patience...patience just three hours then you can eat" i told myself

after an hour fatema bee walked in I stood up from the sofa and ran to her hugging her I broke into sobs

before she could say a word I said
"I think I am pregnant fatema bee...what should I do" I asked her unable to think of anything myself

she made me sit on the sofa and tried to calm me down
"you need to tell arham....
I know what you think, but i think he will change or atleast he won't hurt his own flesh, and he wanted a child ever since he got married so I think he'll be happy then may be he will grant your request to visit your parents if he is too happy?"

"be a little optimistic my girl" she told me and I calmed down a bit I laid on the sofa and fell asleep...
I was waken up by a nudge
I opened my eyes to see arhams Frame hovering over me I sat up rubbing my eyes

"why are you sleeping here?"

"I fell asleep while waiting for breakfast"

"okay....serve the breakfast"

I nodded and got up when we started eating I ate a lot...

"you look hungry today" he said observing me while sipping his green tea

"umm..I..' I paused to swallow my food
"yes...I wake up early na so I get very hungry till breakfast"

" one thing from tommorow eat something light when you wake up then you can have breakfast with me"
my eyes shot up to him I looked at him my eyes slightly wide

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