Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Something hurts.

I take that back. Everything hurts. It feels like I've been hit by a truck, then they backed up and hit me again before running me over a few times, then thrown onto this bed in this bright room, things stuck into my arms and this itchy dress on. All in all, it was the most uncomfortable situation I had every been in in my life.

That's when I opened my eyes.

My heart starts to race, this beeping next to me getting faster and that's when something covers the light above me and grabs my hand. The feeling is so familiar, I can't help but relax as my eyes focus on the one person I want to see the most in the world.

"Luke?" I ask, rather than state as he holds my hand and leans over, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. His warm lips touch my clammy skinny, and I breathe a sigh of relief. He has a small smile for some reason, and I knit my eyebrows together in confusion

"Nevaeh? How do you feel? Are you hungry? Thirsty?" he asks me, concern filling his loving eyes. His voice is so calming, I get stuck for a second just staring at him. His amazing voice, his perfect nose, his adorable dimples, and his baby blue eyes that I could get lost in for days.

He's so beautiful.

I have tear my eyes away from his face after a few seconds and glance around the room I'm in, the white light that bounces off of the white walls filling my vision, the TV on the wall playing the news. And would you look at that, I'm on it, the story of me being shot filling the room around me and Luke shuts it off. Outside, I see the familiar curls of Ashton's hair, then the green of Michael's, and finally the brown of Calum's.

I bring my eyes back to Luke's, holding his gaze before opening my mouth.

"What happened?" I ask, my voice crackling because of how dry my mouth is. He notices, and reaches for a glass of water by my bed before handing it to me. I take it, drinking quickly and my throat feels so much better.

"Nevaeh... you were shot at the show two nights ago...... I'm so sorry. I should have not let your perform. I should have just sent you home when I knew you were in danger. You have no idea how sorry I am," Luke rushes, and I pull on his arm so he comes down to me before putting my hand on his face.

"Luke. This isn't your fault. I'm okay, right?" I ask, looking down at my chest. I see both arms and both legs, and I don't think anything is missing, so I must be okay. Or as close to it as somebody who just got shot can be.

"Yeah, you are okay, but the fact that you were in danger, you could have been killed, its just infuriating and heartbreaking all at the same time." he continues, and I keep stroking his cheek with my hand. His blue eyes are staring at me, roaming up and down my body as if to make sure I really am me.

"What happened to Darren? Did they catch him?" I ask, and his face falls slightly.

"Yes, but," my heart begins to race again and puts his hand on my arm, "he killed himself before they could do anything," he finishes, and I relax again. Relief rushes over my body, and for the first time in 8 years, I feel safe. Really, purely, truely safe.

He's dead. Darren's dead.


When I awoke again, Luke was asleep in the bed next to me. I had begged him to come lay down with me even though the bed was just a full size and we would most likely be squished because he refused to leave my room and there is no way the chair was comfortable for him, and I needed to have him next to me.

The boys would spend all day in here, only leaving to go sleep in the bus in the parking lot between 10 and 7. They would constantly be at my side, asking me if I wanted or needed anything, being there to help me get up if I needed to pee, or if I wanted another jello cup. My mom and dad had flown in the day after the shooting, and the hospital eventually just let me have a whole room by myself after they saw I had five grown men and a woman staying with me all day. My parents were staying in the hotel across the street, and I couldn't be more thankful for everybody around me.

Surprisingly, I was getting very little hate now, even the fans who did not particularly like me were sending love and wishes for me to get better. It was nice, feeling as if I was finally accepted by the 5sos fam. Its just too bad it took getting shot to make it happen.

I stroked Luke's cheek, taking notice of the dark lights and the faint glow of the clock. His mouth was slightly open, warm breath washing against my face every time he exhaled.


My dad had been slightly angry when he found out Luke would sleep with me in the hospital, but thank God he only found out about that. He was okay with it because he knew nothing would happen when a nurse was always checking in on me and that you can hear everything through the hospital walls. Nobody had ratted us out about our shared bed in hotels or on the bus, otherwise there might be a warrant out for his arrest and a funeral for Luke. I giggle slightly at the thought, because Luke and I hardly ever did anything bad, but my dad would take it in the worst way possible, and that is just crazy, to be honest.

I snuggled back into Luke's front, a faint smile on my face, and he wrapped his arms around my back as he slept, pullng me closer. I wrapped my legs around his, intertwining us in all the ways possible. Sleeping like this made me feel safe, even though the danger was six feet under at this point.

It only takes getting shot and almost killed once before you are afraid of almost everything.

The news that Darren had died was amazing. It felt as if a major weight was lifted off of my chest, and finally the world was at peace. I know it isn't, but it was the best it had felt in a long time.


"Honey, are you sure you want to continue with the tour? I know you say you are feeling better, but you can just come back home if you want to. You're father and I would love you to, and I'm sure the boys would understand," my mom presses, and I shake my head.

Its been two weeks since the shooting, and we would be continuing the tour tomorrow. My mom said no at first, but it is only three months until my birthday and I would be back here, so there's no point in her pulling me out now if I would just be back the day I turn 18.

"No, mom. Darren's dead," I say and she shudders slightly, "so I'm going to stay in the band. I love this, and I wouldn't trade it for anything," I say, and she nods, looking down.

"Is it Luke?" she asks, making eye contact with me while raising an eyebrow, and I blush.

"Mom, part of it is. I really like him," I say, looking away from her. At this point, I don't think its as much like as it is something else. Okay, I know it is something besides like, something way more.

"It seems like he has more for you than just likes you," she pushes, and I look down. I know he does. He tells me every night and every chance he gets that he loves me now, and I respond with the same three words.

"Yeah. I know you guys don't think its real, but I think we really do love eachother," I admit, and she gives me a smile before her expression becomes serious.

"I think you guys can love eachother, you are both very mature," um, okay, sure, I guess you could call Luke mature, "but I hope you all aren't doing much physically with eachother," she says, and my eyes widen.

"Mom, we don't, we barely even kiss," maybe a slight lie, "let alone do that."

"I hope so, I'm too young to be a grandmother. I'm only 37," she says, and my cheeks blush profusely. Of course, I wouldn't be against having sex with Luke, but I have always been a firm believer of sex after marriage, and I intend to keep it that way.

"Okay, Mom, can we please change the subject," I beg, and she gets up to grab her suitcase.

"Of course. I know you are making the right decisions, honey, but I am a mother. I worry about you, even if I don't need to," she says, and I follow her out the door. After being with me for two weeks, her and Dad have to go back home to work, and we have to get back on tour.

A short car ride and a few tears later, my parents are back on a plane home, and I'm alone with my bandmates again.

The only thing this time is there is nothing to go wrong, besides the occasional pizza sauce on a brand new T-shirt.

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