Chapter Eighteen

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"If you want to get the popcorn and snacks, I'll go pick us out a seat," I suggest to Luke, and he nods. After much arguing, we had agreed that I could pay for my ticket to get in to the movie if he got to pay for the snacks. That boy sure tries to spoil me.

"Yeah, where are you going to be sitting?" he asks, heading over to get in the food line. It's not very busy, surprisingly, so hopefully we won't be mobbed.

"Probably in the middle,"

"Okay I'll be right there," he says, and we exchange smiles before seperating.

I give my ticket to the attendant in the red suit, so classy, following their directions down the hall of the theatre till I found our room.

It is about a quarter full, mainly couples sitting next to eachother. In the back row were the classic snoggers, eating face where they wouldn't be seen when the movie started. It was disgusting, quite frankly.

I sit in the middle like I told Luke. We were diagonally in front of three teenage girls, and I immediately regret it when they start staring at me and whispering.

"Excuse me, are you Nevaeh Evans?" one with brown hair asks me, and I give her a small smile as I nod.

"Nice to meet you," I say, and she looks around.

"Is Luke here?" another asks, and the brunette who first asked me rolls her eyes.

"Oh please, Ashton is so much cuter," they start babbling and my smile fades as I sit back down, farther from them.

Luke walks in and the girls squeal at him before flashing pictures. He gives them a smile, but I can tell he would rather not have pictures taken right now, and I wave him over. He brings the popcorn, candy, and drink over to where I'm sitting before sitting next to me and throwing an arm over my shoulders.

"They bothering you?" he asks lowly in my ear, and I shake my head before leaning it on his shoulder.

"No, they are just excited to see you are here. I'm just glad the movie is going to start," I respond, and he rubs my arm on the other side of my body with the hand that's across my shoulders.

"It's a tear jerker, they're wearing way too much make up for this movie anyway," he mutters before placing a small kiss in my hair. I laugh quietly, and he smiles back at me.

"I got Sour Patch Kids, popcorn, and Dr. Pepper if you want some," he says kindly, and I nod, taking a handful of popcorn and some Sour Patch. He sure knows my favorites.

The movie starts, and by the time Hazel Grace's mom tells her it's okay to die, I have tears in my eyes. Luke is holding me and I can feel his eyes on me the whole time, making me incredibly self conscious. Doesn't he watch the movies?

"You okay?" he whispers and I nod, not trusting my voice. It's a heart wrenching story, and most of the people in the theatre have tears in their eyes by the end. Even the couple who were sucking face in the end had resorted to holding eachother while the girls were crying.

When it finally ends, I wipe my eyes which had tears in them, although I hadn't let them fall, and we stand up before exiting the theatre.

He holds my hand as we walk into the car, the colder Australian air nipping at our skin. It wasn't too bad, but goosebumps rose on my skin that wasn't covered by Luke's sweatshirt.

"You wanna stop by McDonalds and get some food?" he asks, and I nod before climbing into the car, him right behind me. I'm still kind of red eyed from the movie, and a drive through sounds really good right now. Plus, who can turn down McDonalds fries? Not me, thats for sure.

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