Chapter Twenty-Four

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"It was all Luke's idea, but he didn't want to give it to you on Live TV by himself," Calum says, and I nod at the sleeping puppy in my arms. We are almost to our hotel rooms for the night, and then I can sleep. If I can sleep.

I'm calmed by the adorable creature on my chest, but terrified by the horrifying one who could be watching me at this very moment. Even though we are inside the hotel, I keep checking over my shoulder for a sign of the monster who finally found me. The feelings are very contradicting, and I can't help but feel a little nauseous.

"Thank you, Luke. She is absolutely amazing," I say to the man next to me, and he smiles, petting my dog before opening the door to our room and letting me in.

"It's no problem, I just wanted to do something special since one month today you joined the band," he says, opening the door. I walk past him and sit on the bed.

Wow, you know someone for a month so you get them a dog. Not that I'm not grateful or anything, but holy cow that's extreme.

"Really? I'm sorry, I didn't even think about it," I say, and he laughs.

"We didn't expect you to, it's a bit hectic right now," Luke assures, and I smile at him slightly.

"What are you going to name her?" Calum asks, and I look down at my puppy. Her brown and black fur is smooth, and she is absolutely adorable.

"I was thinking Tiffy, short for Tiffany. It's short and kind of posh, like Yorkies," I answer, and the boys nod.

"Sounds perfect," Luke says, and I give her a little kiss on the head.

"We are going to go down to bar, Luke you coming?" Ashton asks, and Luke shakes his head, walking into the bathroom. Probably needs to piss or something.

"Sorry, Vaeh. You're still technically underage here," Michael says, and I shrug. I'm underage everywhere.

"I'm going to go to sleep anyways," I respond, and they bid their farewells before leaving.

"Hey, Luke? How old is she?" I yell to him as he's in the bathroom.

"I think like 4 months?  She was born on April 15th, so however long ago that was," he says, and I nod. Her little brown and black hair is so soft, and I smile down at her sleeping form.

"So what happened today during the interview?" Luke asks when he comes back into the main room and I tense up. It was only a matter of time before somebody asked. Of course I would prefer later rather than sooner, but we don't always get what we want.


"Yes, something happened and you have been different ever since. You can trust me, Nevaeh,"

His voice is so full of honesty, caring and gentle but persuasive. I stroke Tiffy's fur, her sleeping body snuggled up against mine. I wish my life could be as easy a dogs. No murder, no love, no pain like this.

"Come sit next to me," I say, and he stands up. All it takes are a couple of steps and he had crossed the room, his long legs making him cover ground quickly.

"You remember when I used to have nightmares?" I ask him, looking down at Tiffy.

"Yeah," he says, putting his arm around my waist.

"Well, I had a sister......" I begin, and the tears begin to sting. "She was a few years older than me when she...." I stop myself, looking downward.

"Its okay, take your time," Luke eases, and I lean into his side.

"She had a boyfriend, and I was really little. I understand now, but he was just always mean. He hurt her," I explain, and he rests his head on mine. His breathing calms me enough to continue.

"That's why I haven't dated. He hurt her, and when she finally called things off...." a sob rakes through my chest and the tears come willingly. Tiffy sits up, snuggling into my stomach and whining.

Maybe dogs really are empathetic.

"He.... Killed her?"

"Yeah. Right in front of me. Gunshot to the head. And he got away," I say into his shoulder.

The dreams still terrify me, and every time I close my eyes I see the blood splattered everywhere. Her body hunched over on the bed, eyes glazed over as I shake her endlessly.

Somebody pries me away from her and the rest is a blur, everything happening so quickly.

"Nev..... I'm so sorry," Luke says before kissing my hair, rubbing my back.

"He was in the audience today,"

He shoots away like I've hit him. His eyes wide and panicked, he grips my shoulders.

"He got away? He's here now?!"

"Yes, that's why I was scared,"

"Nevaeh! This guy is a murderer! He could have been caught! Why didn't you say anything!"

I stand up, putting Tiffy on the floor.

"Me?! You're yelling at me?! What was I supposed to say! 'That guy killed my sister!'" I yell, tears streaming down my face. How could Luke be turning on me?

"Nevaeh I'm worried! Why is he here?! In London? When you are?!"

"Stop yelling at me!!" I scream, running into the bathroom. His footsteps pound after me, and I slam the door before locking it and sitting on the side of the bathtub.

I shouldn't have told him. He's going to hate me now, and tell me I'm crazy, and stupid. This is why I don't tell people my problems.

"Nevaeh! Open the door!" he demands, and I just lose it, crying willingly into my hands. God, I'm so stupid.

"Go away, Luke," I say quietly, and the hitting on the door stops. I take my converse off, throwing them across the bathroom and wiping ferociously at my eyes.

"Please, baby. Please open the door for me," he says softly, and I climb in the actual bathtub. Maybe I can just sit here and he will leave me alone.

"Nevaeh..... I'm sorry for yelling. I'm just worried about you," he pleads, and I sit up. I don't want to be alone, swallowed up by the fear Darren causes. It feels as if I'm being pushed down physically by the paranoia now, and I can't deal with it by myself.

I unlock the door before laying back down, the cold walls of the bathtub allowing my tears to go around me.

"Nevaeh, I'm sorry," he says, kneeling down next to the bathtub, and I shake my head.

"I am too. Had I told someone he could be put away.... But he's not," I sob, pulling me knees up to my chest.

His arms scoop under my legs and back, bringing me to his chest. It vibrates, his heart pounding and whenever he moves, I can feel his muscles underneath of me.

"Please, I'm so sorry this happened to you," he murmurs, bringing me out of the bathroom and setting me on the bed before grabbing a t-shirt of his and some shorts. He hands them to me before turning around and I change quickly.

"Thank you,"

"No problem," he responds pulling back the covers before I crawl under them. The clean sheets feel nice, everything suddenly more vibrant now that I'm terrified of my surroundings.

"Nevaeh, we have to catch this guy," Luke says, pulling me over to him. I nod, and he wipes the tears from my cheeks.

"But how? I probably won't see him again!"

"He was at the interview, maybe he's following you,"

My heart hammers in my chest. He's..... Following me? He's going to come after me. He's going to kill me.

More tears well up in my eyes and he puts my head on his chest.

"Please, we are going to keep you protected till he no longer matters, baby. I promise," he mumbles, and my chest constricts.

"Luke, you don't want to make promises to you can't keep,"

I'm so so so sorry guys. This is the worst chapter I've ever written, but I have the worst case of writers block.  Thanks for putting up with it :)

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