Chapter Twenty-Three

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About ten shows have passed. By now I don't get as nervous beforehand, but I still get the buzz while I'm on stage. And I love every minute of it.

"Nevaeh? C'mon we are in London," somebody says into my ear, and I open one eye. I'm met by a shirtless Luke, rubbing my back trying to get me to wake up. For some strange reason, he doesn't mind being shirtless in front of me, but he won't be caught dead without a shirt on in front of the rest of the world. I guess I kind of like how I'm the only one who sees him shirtless, though.

"So soon?"

"You've been sleeping for eleven hours, love," he says quietly, a smirk prominent on his face.

"I'm tired,"

"I know, we all are. We have one interview and then we can go back to the hotel to sleep,"

I sit up, rubbing my eyes and climbing off of my bunk before going into the bathroom.

I look like crap. Today is the first day in a week that I have gotten more than three hours of uninterrupted sleep, and you can tell by how dark the circles under my eyes are. The only time I'm fully awake is when I'm on stage with the boys, almost every night for the last two weeks.

I brush my teeth and throw my hair into a ponytail, the blond hair still falling down past my boobs even when held up.

"Vaeh, Tina is looking for you," Calum says from outside the door and I shuffle out, walking off the tour bus and across the parking lot to a big building.

I hope there aren't any cameras, because a picture of a cow would look prettier than I do right now.

"Hey, Hun. You ready for your interview?" Tina asks, and I give her a smile.

"After I get made up and stuff I will be," I respond, and she laughs.

"Perfect. How about straight hair, white skinny jeans, and a purple blouse?"

"Sounds good to me!"

"Great! Go jump in the shower, the interview starts in an hour," she says as we separate from the boys, motioning to a small bathroom in my dressing room.

I do just that, showering quickly before leaving the bathroom.

She already has my clothes laid out, and I slip them on seconds prior to when she walks into the room.

"Ready?" she asks, and I nod before sitting down in front of her.

She turns on the blow drier before drying my hair. The blonde locks whip around my face, and I close my eyes.

This interview will probably be just like every other, questions about Luke and I and how I like being in the band. All that jazz.

I will say Luke is an amazing friend and he will smile, the other boys giving nothing away.

The blow drier shuts off, and I glance in the mirror.

"You're hair blow dried straight. Do you want me to run a flat iron over it?" Tina asks, and I shake my head.

"There's no point in damaging it more,"

"I agree. Just natural makeup?"

"Yes please," I answer, and she applies mascara, foundation, and powder to my face. The process takes all of five minutes, and I relax in my chair.

"So you all set for the interview?" she asks, and I nod.

"Yeah, it should be just like every other one, right?" I ask, and she looks away from me.

"Yeah, sure," she says shortly, and I raise an eyebrow.

She is a terrible liar.

"Is there anything I should know about?"

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