Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Oh my gosh that was awesome!" I scream as soon as we leave the stage. The boys are all covered in sweat and I'm sure I look the same way.

"That wasn't to bad, was it?" Luke asks, his voice sounding perfect. I guess everything is perfect right now.

"It wasn't to bad? Let's do it again! When is our next show?!" I say excitedly. The adrenaline is pumping through my veins, and I want to do is sing and dance and jump on somebody.

"Tomorrow night, babe," Luke answers, setting down his guitar before wiping off his eyebrow. I set mine next to his, jumping on him, wrapping my arms around his sweaty neck and my legs around his torso. I'm like a koala. A ninja koala.

"Woah woah woah I can barely walk as it is! How can I carry another body?" he asks, and I shrug.

"Let's go!!" Ashton yells, jumping on Michael.

If they want a race, they will get a race.

"Hey! What about me?" Calum pouts, and I laugh at their boyishness. Is that even a word? I don't know and if it isn't I just made it up.

Oh my god I'm hyper.

Luke switches me around so I'm on his back before taking off, running towards my dressing room. He opens the door, swooping in and grabbing my clothes before taking off again.

He leaves the arena, me laughing my head off. His smile is stretched big, and I guess a combination of his long legs and me being smaller than Ashton makes him go faster than the other team.

"Mashton SUCKS!" I scream, and Luke starts laughing underneath of me.

"Guys! Slow down!" Michael yells, and I turn around, sticking my tongue out at them.

"Never!" Luke yells, reaching the bus and hopping in, locking the door behind him. The other boys are seconds behind, slamming on the door. I open the blinds, flipping them off before shutting them again.

"Come here," Luke says, sitting on the couch. I walk over to him, sitting on his lap before giving him a huge smile.

"I need to shower, I stink," I say, and he rolls his eyes.

"No you don't, let's just hang out," he says, and I shake my head, hopping off of him and heading towards the bathroom.

"Hey! No no no-" he protests, and I laugh before shutting the door and stripping. I turn on the shower, the tiny bathroom feeling cramped, but I don't care about that right now.

"Vaeh, come ooonnnn," Luke whines, beating on the door.

"Go let your band in, then we can go to the hotel," I yell, and he whines something else.

"I'll be done in a couple minutes," I say, and he tromps off.

"LUKE! Why did you lock us out, mate?!" Ashton yells, and I smile.

"Because! Now let's go to the hotel!" Luke says, and I roll my eyes. Horny bastard.

I step out of the shower, draining my hair and putting a towel on my body before unlocking the door and walking out of the bathroom to get clothes.

Someone wolf whistles and I put my middle finger in the air, grabbing pajamas when the bus starts to move. I loose my footing, falling on the bunk below mine.

"Nevaeh! Get off of me!" Michael yells, and I scramble off of him, making sure my towel still covers everything. He looks at me, his mouth opening slightly. "On second thought, maybe you should come back here....." he mumbles, and a blush creeps to my cheeks.

"Excuse me, Michael. I believe Nevaeh is mine," Luke says from behind me, and I grab my shorts before rushing beck into the bathroom. I throw them on, wrenching a brush through my hair.

When I come out of the bathroom, the bus is pulling into a hotel.

"C'mon Vaeh. Just grab a toothbrush," Luke says into my ear and goosebumps ride on my skin. Oh jeez.

I'm pushed forward slightly when Calum brushes past me, and I follow them into the hotel. A few fans are there, and I just keep my head down.


"Well now that Ashton is gone......." Luke mumbles into my hair as we lay on the bed together.

"What?" I say innocently, looking up into his eyes. I'm sitting between his legs, leaning against him with my back on his chest. He smiles down at me, something off with his smile. It's not the genuinely happy one. It's the one that he gets when he's up to something.....

Before I have a chance to finish my thought, I'm on my back and Luke's chest is pressed against my own.

"It's clobber time," he says, and I burst out laughing.

"Did you just seriously use a Hulk reference when you were about to kiss me?" I say between laughs, and he sticks his bottom lip out.

"That was supposed to be cute,"

"It was cute," I say, and he smiles a little bit.

"But if you want to really impress the ladies, you have to use a Tony Stark reference," I say, and he raises an eyebrow.

"Like what? I'm a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist?" he asks, and I nod before leaning up and pressing a kiss to his lips.

"That works," I say, and his lips travel down my neck, nipping gently every now and then.

"Luke....." I gasp, and I feel his lips pull into a smile before he pulls away.

"What?" he asks, and I blush. His lips are red and swollen from the contact with my neck, and it makes me that much less able to form a coherant thought..

"Nevermind," I say, and he smiles.

His lips reattach to mine, and the door opens. In a second, I'm out from underneath of Luke and sitting on the ground. When I look up, Ashton is grinning at me.

"Am I interrupting something?" he says smartly, and I blush.

"Nope, just looking for my...." I say, looking around. "Toothbrush," I finish, and he narrows his eyes as I grab my toothbrush.

"I thought I dropped it," I continue.

He doesn't believe me, and I can tell by the way he starts walking backwards with a smug smile on his face. Before he leaves eyesight, he yells, "Liz is everywhere, Luke! Everywhere!"

Happy crappy chappy! School starts soon so updates might be slower 😭 I'm sorry! Remember the more you vote the faster book 2 comes out, and I'm still taking requests for characters and book titles! Thank you!

The Only Girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें