Chapter Twenty

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"Nev, let's go. We are going on tour today," Luke whispers to me, and I lift my arms up. They had promised I didn't have to wake up early, I could sleep as soon as we got on the bus. I agreed, of course, but I really wasn't feeling this "walking" business right now, if you know what I mean.

Luke chuckles, his arms snaking under mine and he wraps them around my waist, lifting me up. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, clinging to him like a koala bear, causing him to laugh some more. There's not a doubt in my mind that I look childish, and probably horrible from sleep, but I couldn't care less. He starts to move and I fall back asleep for a few seconds, waking up when I'm being put on a bed in the bus.

"You comfy? Ash brought your suitcase on the bus, and I grabbed your bathroom bag before we left," he whispers, and I smile a little bit. He pulls the covers of my bunk up to my chest and I snuggle down.

"You're amazing, Luke," I say, half awake.

"I know," he says cockily before kissing my forehead and closing the curtain on my bunk, leaving me alone in darkness to sleep.

The last two days had been uneventful, just recording and practicing. Our first show is tonight, and I'm beyond excited. Luke and I haven't had any more make out sessions, only the occasional kiss and cuddling at night. I love how warm he is when we are cuddling, and he's so tall it makes me feel protected.

I'm babbling, aren't I? Well I'm half asleep so that doesn't matter.

The curtain opens, and I move to the back of the bunk, away from the light now shining in before flipping over and facing the wall. A big body comes next to me, and an arm wraps around my waist before the curtain closes again.

Movement is heard below me, and also across the aisle way. Looks like they are all going to bed as well. I snuggle into Luke's chest, wrapping my leg around his torso before the bus turns on and we are off.

"You're so beautiful," Luke whispers and I giggle. He says that a lot, for some reason, and it always brings butterflies to my stomach despite the fact that its most likely not true.

"I've been sleeping for four hours, I'm sure that's far from the truth," I disagree, my voice muffled by his chest.

"You're always beautiful," he counters, and I feel the heat rushing to my cheeks.

I lean up and peck his cheek, making him smile before he sits up (as much as he can in the small bunk) and takes his shirt off.

"No stripping," I mumble, and he grins.

"I'm not, it's just too hot to be wearing a ton of clothes on the bus. Either way, we are wearing the same amount of clothes now," he whispers.

"I'm wearing shorts and a shirt!"

"Doesn't matter, short shorts and a tanktop. I wearing sweats, so it's all even,"

"Can you two horny teenagers shut up? I'm trying to sleep," Michael grumbles, hitting the bottom of my bunk with something and causing me to jump.

"Yeah, honestly I'm going to be sick. Its nice Luke finally found someone he actually likes, but lets not do whatever you guys are doing around us. And Luke, stop sleeping shirtless with Nevaeh. That's our thing," Calum says, and I smirk at Luke.

"No, pants less is our thing Calum. Get it right," Luke corrects, causing Michael and Ashton to laugh.

"Whatever. Nevaeh, he's mine. Back off before I get my high heels and beat you with them," Calum says, and I lean over Luke, pushing our chests together. I put one arm on Luke's chest and yank our curtain open.

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