Chapter Fifteen

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"You're getting frisky on me," Luke says, and I smile into his shoulder, the red of my cheeks increasing that much more at my previous act of boldness.

"Shut up, otherwise it's not happening anymore," I warn him, and his arms continue rubbing little circles on my back as he shakes his head slightly. There's not a doubt in my mind that he's smiling, and it makes me happy to know that he liked it when I kissed him.

"Don't you think it's weird that I've known you for only five days, yet we've kissed?" I ask, worry creeping back into my mind, and his arm stills for a second before starting to rub my back again..

"No, I think we both know what we want, so there's no point in waiting. Besides, I've seen people do much more after a couple hours," he assures, and I nod slightly. Still, I am slightly concerned at the pace we are going at.

"But does it seem like we are moving too fast?"

He pulls away, looking me in the eyes. His eyebrows are knitted together, signalling that he is thinking about something.

"Would you go on a date with me?" he asks after a couple of seconds, and it catches me by surprise.


"Tomorrow night, let's go see a movie," he clarifies, and I nod at him, showing him the giant smile on my face.

"I would love to," I respond quietly, and he smiles brightly at me. I scooch closer to him and he we both freeze as something hard touches my leg.

Oh no.

I can see the redness in his cheeks, even in the dark, and I can't help but laugh. Not just breathing out of my nose more than usual or chuckles, but full out laughs.

"Why are you laughing?" he says quietly, confusion lacing his voice, and I bury my face in the pillow, my body shaking from the stifled laughs.

"Because.... You..... Got...... A..... From....... Me......" I say between laughs, and he pushes me away from him before sitting up on the edge of the bed and facing away from me.

"Shut it, it's natural," he defends, much louder than I had been, waking up Ashton.

"Can you guys keep it-" Ashton starts before seeing the situation and laughing along with me, pissing Luke off even more.

"Stop, it's not funny," Luke says angrily, standing up and storming out of the room.

"What did you do?" Ash asks me, and I shake my head.

"No idea, I was just kind of snuggling with him and we were talking and I felt it," I explain before blushing myself.

"That shouldn't.... Ohhhh," he says, looking at my shirt. I look down and can vaguely see my bra, the cheetah print sticking out of my shirt.

"Crap, I forgot I wasn't wearing a solid bra," I say, grabbing Luke's sweatshirt from the ground by our bed and throwing it on. "That wouldn't give him a, uh, boner, though, would it?" I ask, padding over to the bathroom and Ashton just shrugs. The door is shut, light flooding from underneath it, but I can hear Luke walking around.

"Luke?" I ask, knocking on the door.

"What." He asks gruffly, and I sigh.

"Can I come in?"



I hear something closing and the door opens, just enough for me to come in before he closes it again.

"Can I help you." he says, sitting on the closed toilet and looking at me, his arms crossed over his crotch.

"Luke I'm sorry for laughing, it's just it was awkward for me and you are like never embarressed, and I mean it's never happened because off me before......" I say, and he looks down.

"That's a lie," he says, and I draw my eyebrows together in confusion. Yeah this is the first time it's happened to me. Nobody ever gets a boner because of me, he has to know that.

"I'm sure plenty of guys get hard ons because of you," he says, and I shake my head.

"No, Luke. They don't. Just please come back to bed," I say, and he stands up. The bulge has gone down with whatever he has been doing, but it's still there, and very noticeable.

"If I can't stare at your boobs, you can't stare at my crotch," he says, laughing. I blush and he puts his arm around my shoulder, leading us out of the bathroom.

"I'm never going to hear the end of this...... and you aren't really helping the situation by wearing my clothes," he whispers in my ear, and I smile before crawling back in the bed with him. He's facing me still, and my back is pressed against his chest. However, my butt is definitely away from his crotch. With the sweatshirt on, I'm definitely going to be too hot tonight, but I suppose its better than Luke having a stiffy all night.

"You get yourself...... Settled down, Luke?" Ashton asks smugly, and Luke cranes his neck around so he can see Ashton.

"Yeah, all it took was Nevaeh's mouth and everything is all better," Luke responds cooly, and I sit upright. Oh hell no.

"Hey! You are purposely making that sound dirty!" I yell, and both the boys start laughing at my embarressment. "I did not do anything besides talk to him," I assure, even though I'm sure Ashton knows me enought to know that I didn't do what Luke was suggesting, and Luke yanks me back down to him.

"Goodnight, babe," he whispers to me, and I flip around, putting my arms around his torso. I stick my head into his neck, which still slightly smells like his cologne, and snuggle into him (but not too close to his crotch).

"Goodnight, Lukey,"

So so so sorry for the short chapter.... I had a really busy day but this chapter made me laugh and awww at the same time so I hope you kind of like it :)

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