Last of the Time Lords/Survival of the Fittest [2]

Start from the beginning

"Remember what I said, Kevin, cause this...this is where the fun begins,"

"Repeat, condition red,"

Angela and Kevin made it a good distance until Dick Roman's righthand woman intercepted them.

Angela held out a protective arm, to create distance between Susan and Kevin.

"Why are you out of your cage, mouse?" Susan taunted.

"Run," Angela ordered Kevin as they turned only to come across more guards. Angela struggled when the guards pulled the duo apart.

Susan dragging Kevin away.

"No!" Angela cried "Let him go! He had nothing to do with this,"

Susan only smiled smugly.

Kevin looked back at Angela with fear in his eyes.

"I'm sorry," Angela told him as she was dragged in the opposite direction.

The guards made a show of the failed attempt as they dragged Angela past Jack's fallen body. They pushed her onto the flight deck where The Doctor held the Master's screwdriver.

"Doctor," Angela whispered, but it was loud enough for the Time Lord to turn and see her, enough of a distraction for the Master to take back his screwdriver.

"Isomorphic controls," The Master explained before backhanding the Doctor sending him to the floor.

Angela struggled against the guards' hold as she glared furiously towards the Master.

"Which means they only work for me. Like this." The Master shot the wall beside Angela, causing her to scream. He glanced back down at the Doctor "Say sorry!"

"Sorry," The Doctor said.

The Master shook his head "Didn't you learn anything? Siding with the Doctor is a very dangerous thing to do." he told Martha's family "Take them away,"

Angela watched as the guards forced Francine and Tish out.

The Master nodded and the guards released Angela, she immediately ran to the Doctor's aid.

"I've gotcha," She told the Doctor.

"Angel," The Doctor said as he brushed her hair from her face.

"I'm here," Angela helped the Doctor into a seat.

"Do you know, I remember the days when the Doctor, oh, that famous Doctor, was waging a Time War, battling Sea Devils and Axons." The Master said "He sealed the rift at the Medusa Cascade single-handed. And look at him now. Stealing screwdrivers. How did he ever come to this?" He turned towards the two with a malicious grin, Angela took a protective step in between him and the Doctor "Oh yeah, me,"

"I just need you to listen," The Doctor said.

"No, it's my turn. Revenge! Best served hot. And this time, it's a message for Team Free Will,"


Tom cut a gap in the shipyard's chain-link fence, and they ran to a building where an older woman was thumping a cathode ray tube in frustration. "Professor Docherty?"

"Busy," The woman called out bitterly.

"They, er, they sent word ahead. I'm Tom Milligan. This is Martha Jones, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, and Castiel,"

"They can be royalty for all I care. I'm still busy,"

"Televisions don't work anymore," Martha pointed out.

"Oh God, I miss Countdown. Never been the same since Dees took over. Both Deses. What's the plural for Des? Desi? Deseen? But we've been told there's going to be a transmission from the man himself," A static-ridden black and white image appeared. "There!"

"My people. Salutations on this, the eve of war. Lovely woman. But I know there are all sorts of whispers down there. Stories of free will, giving you hope." The Master announced on TV "But I ask you how much hope has this man got? Say hello, Gandalf. Except he's not that old, but he's an alien with a much greater lifespan than you stunted little apes. But what if it showed?"

The group watched as Angela moved to stop the Master but guards grabbed her.

Dean felt his nails dig into his palms as he watched the scene.

"Don't you dare!" Angela shrieked as the guards forced her off-screen "No!"

"What if I suspend your capacity to regenerate? All nine hundred years of your life, Doctor. What if we could see them?" The Master tetuned his screwdriver and zapped the Doctor again. "Older and older and older. Down you go, Doctor. Down, down, down the years,"

No one could tell what was worse watching the Doctor convulse or listen to the screams of Angela Winchester as it happened.


A tiny creature with big eyes, rather Gollum-like, peered out from the otherwise empty clothes.

"Received and understood, Team Free Will?" The Master glanced off-screen "Would hate for the Leviathans to make a snack out of our little Angel,"

The broadcast ended.

Martha glanced over at the brothers, both held a stone emotion, but beneath their eyes, there was a fire raging. "I'm sorry,"

"Ange is alive," Dean said "That's all that matters,"

"Obviously the Archangel Network would seem to be the Master's greatest weakness." Dr. Docherty proclaimed "Fifteen satellites all around the Earth, still transmitting. That's why there's so little resistance. It's broadcasting a telepathic signal that keeps people scared,"

"We could just take them out," Tom reasoned.

"We could. Fifteen ground to air missiles. You got any on you? Besides, any military action, the Toclafane descend,"

"They're not called Toclafane." Castiel said "That's a name the Master made up,"

"Then what are they, then?"

"That's why we came to find you. Know your enemy. We've got this." Sam pulled out a computer CD "No one's been able to look at a sphere close up. They can't even be damaged. Except once. The lightning strike in South Africa brought one of them down. Just by chance. We've got the readings on this,"

Dr. Docherty put the disc into the computer. She banged it a few times before it works "Oh, whoever thought we'd miss Bill Gates,"

"So is that why you traveled the world?" Tom asked, "to find a disc?"

"No." Martha said "Just got lucky,"

"I heard stories that you walked the Earth to find a way to build a weapon," Dr. Docherty claimed.

The Winchesters and Castiel shared a look.

"There! A current of 58.5-kilo amperes transferred charge of 510 megajoules precisely,"

"Can you recreate that?" Tom questioned.

"I think so. Easily, yes,"

"All right then," Dean grinned "we're gonna get us a sphere,"

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