New Earth Pt. 3

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I woke up to the sound of an alarm "Five more minutes Dean,"

"Angela...Angela," I groaned as someone kept pushing me.

"Dean..." I groaned

"Angel!" I opened my eyes and met the Doctor's gaze.

"Hello," he helped me up as Cassandra walked up to us

"Aren't you lucky there was a spare?"

"You've stolen Rose's body," The Doctor stated

"Over the years, I've thought of a thousand ways to kill you, Doctor. And now that's exactly what I've got. One thousand diseases. They pump the patients with a top-up every ten minutes." she looked at Rose's watch "You've got about three minutes. Enjoy,"

"Just let Rose go, Cassandra,"

"I will. As soon as I've found someone younger, and less common, then I'll junk her with the waste. Now hushaby. It's showtime,"

"Anything we can do to help?" A voice questioned

"Straight to the point, Whiskers. I want money,"

"The Sisterhood is a charity. We don't give money. We only accept,"

"The humans across the water pay you a fortune, and that's exactly what I need. A one-off payment, that's all I want. Oh, and perhaps a yacht. In return for which, I shall tell the city nothing of your institutional murder. Is that a deal?"

"I'm afraid not,"

"I'd really advise you to think about this,"

"Oh, there's no need. I have to decline,"

"I'll tell them, and you've no way of stopping me. You're not exactly Nuns with Guns. You're not even armed,"

"Oh they might not, but I do," I muttered

"No you don't I took it away," The Doctor told me.

"Oh, thing you need to learn about us Winchesters..." I pulled out a gun from my boot "We always carry spares," I shot the lock and me and him walked out. I aimed it at Cassandra, but the Doctor pushed it down.


"I wasn't going to shoot her," I complained "Only threaten,"

"Well, nice try." Cassandra stated "Chip? Plan B," Chip pulled a lever and all the doors on the level opened, the diseased people exiting.

"What've you done?" The Doctor questioned

"Gave the system a shot of adrenaline, just to wake them up. See you!"

I raised my gun at the diseased people but the Doctor grabbed my hand "Don't touch them! Whatever you do, don't touch!" he pulled me along as he went after Chip and Cassandra. We reached a catwalk and saw the epidemic.

"Oh, my God," I muttered

"What the hell have you done?" The Doctor asked Cassandra

"It wasn't me," she argued

"One touch and you get every disease in the world, and I want that body safe, Cassandra."

"But there's thousands of them!" She argued

"Run!" He pushed me and Cassandra down the staircase "Down! Down! Go down! Keep going! Go down!" once we reached the basement Cassandra ran to call a lift. "No, the lifts have closed down. The quarantine. Nothing's moving,"

"This way!" she led us towards her lair, but Chip got cut off from us as more people approached.

"Someone will touch him,"

"Leave him! He's just a clone thing. He's only got a half life. Come on!"

"Mistress!" Chip called out

"I'm sorry," The Doctor told him "I can't let her escape," he took a hold of my hand

"Quit taking my hand,"

"It's the only way I can ensure you don't do anything stupid,"

I rolled my eyes "Oh so you do care," I said sarcastically

"My Mistress!" Cassandra ran to the back door but there were people there, too.

"We're trapped! What am I going to do?"

"Well, for starters, you're going to leave that body. That psychograft is banned on every civilised planet. You're compressing Rose to Death,"

"But I've got nowhere to go. My original skin's dead,"

"Not my problem. You can float as atoms in the air. Now, get out. Give her back to me,"

"You asked for it," Cassandra took a deep breath and blew energy out to the Doctor.

"Blimey, my head." Rose complained "Where'd she go?"

"Oh, my. This is different,"


"Goodness me, I'm a man. Yum. So many parts. And hardly used. Oh, oh, two hearts! Oh, baby, I'm beating out a samba!"

"Get out of him,"

"Oo, he's slim, and a little bit foxy. You've thought so too. I've been inside your head. You've been looking. You like it,"

"Get a room," I huffed only to raise my gun as the diseased people burst in.

"What do we do?" Cassandra asked "What would he do? The Doctor, what the hell would he do?"

"Ladder." I told them "We've got to get up,"

"Out of the way blondies!"

"Please, help us. Help,"

"Rose...climb," I commanded as I pocketed my gun and followed her up the ladder

"If you get out of the Doctor's body, he can think of something,"

"Yap, yap, yap. God, it was tedious inside your head. Hormone city,"

"We're going to die if..."

One of the Nurses grabbed my ankle "Get off!"

"All our good work. All that healing. The good name of the Sisterhood. You have destroyed everything,"

"Go and play with a ball of string,"

"Everywhere, disease. This is the human world. Sickness!" A diseased arm reached up and grasped her ankle. She fell, screaming.

"Move!" I told Rose

"Maximum quarantine. Divert all shuttles," The doors on the next level wouldn't open.

"Help us,"

"Now what do we do?" Cassandra questioned

"Use the sonic screwdriver,"

She took it out of his pocket "You mean this thing?"

"Yes, I mean that thing,"

"Well, I don't know how. That Doctor's hidden away all his thoughts,"

"Cassandra, go back into me. The Doctor can open it. Do it!"

"No!" I told Rose

"Hold on tight,"

" Oh, chavtastic again." Cassandra complained as she looked at the Doctor "Open it!"

"Not till you get out of her,"

"We need the Doctor,"

"I order you to leave her,"

"No matter how difficult the situation, there is no need to shout," she told him from his body

"Cassandra, get out of him!"

"But I can't go into you, he simply refuses. He's so rude,"

"I don't care. Just do something," his eyes met mine and my mind went blank.

An Angel Amongst the Stars (Supernatural x Doctor Who)Where stories live. Discover now