42 (Pt. 4)

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McDonnell, Scannell and I started to walk towards the engines. Through the smoke, I saw the ominous charred shape on a wall. I slowly began to realize...

"It's picking them off...one, by one," I muttered.

McDonnell, Scannel and I ran back into engineering, looking for Ashton. "Ashton!"

When we drew level with the broken equipment, we realized that Ashton wasn't there.

"Someone's hacked into the systems." Scannell explained "I can't reroute the generators! There's no way I'm gonna be able to jump-start this ship!" In a fit of rage, he swiftly gave the equipment a good kick. He turned and began to run in the direction we came from. "Who the hell did that?!"

I turned away from him. Through the smoke, I saw a figure in a space helmet... I reached for my gun "Who's that?"

"Korwin?" McDonnell asked. She began to back away as Korwin advanced.

"What are you?" I asked raising my gun "Why are you killing the crew?!" Korwin's hand went to open the protective visor.

"How could you do this?" McDonnell asked. "What have you done to my husband?!" Korwin stopped. 

"He recognizes you," I whispered

"Korwin! You know me." McDonnell exclaimed. Korwin's hand left the visor. McDonnell started to tear "It's Kath! Your wife!"

"My wife?" Korwin asked

"That's right! You're still in there! I'm your wife!"

"It's your fault,"

McDonnell's face fell. She began to back away.

"What do you mean, it's her fault?" I asked

"It's her fault. Now burn with me!" Korwin lifted his hand to his visor once again, but suddenly, a jet of steam engulfed Korwin from above. He screamed. I looked round to see Scannell turning a pressure gauge wheel, which was causing the steam.

"What are you doing?!" McDonnell asked

"Freezing him! Ice vents!" Scannell replied

"You'll kill him!"

Korwin fell to his knees.

McDonnell and Scannell kneeled over Korwin's body.

"Angela! Ashton's heading in your direction!" The Doctor exclaimed over the comm. Unit "He's been infected, just like Korwin!"

I headed over to the comm unit, giving McDonnell and Scannell their space, "Korwin's dead, Doctor," I declared.

Impact in 17.05.

I looked over at McDonnell "What did he mean, your fault?" McDonnell didn't answer. Instead, she reached out to stroke Korwin's face, but, before she could make contact, Scannell pushed her hand away.

"What are you doing?" Scannell exclaimed "Don't touch him, he's infected. You don't know how it spreads,"

McDonnell looked up at Scannell, a dark look in her eyes, a look I was all too familiar with "You murdered him!"

"He was about to kill you!"

"Eh recognized me!"

"You heard the Doctor. It...it isn't Korwin anymore,"

"The Doctor doesn't know! None of us knows!"

"So what are you gonna do? Stay there until we burn?! Cause without you...none of us stand a chance of getting out of here,"

Suddenly, the mood was broken by the Doctor's voice, barking over the intercom.

"Scannell! I need a spacesuit in area 17, now!" The Doctor ordered.

"What for?" I asked

'Just get down here!!!" The Doctor exclaimed.

"Well go on!" McDonnell said. "Do what he says!"

"Ashton's still out there," Scannell said

I clicked my gun "I'll deal with him,"

Scannell got up and walked off, leaving McDonnell and me with Korwin.

Impact in 12.55

Scannell came running back in.

"Where's the Doctor?" I asked, Scannell only looked at me "Oh for fudging sake!" I growled as I ran to area 17.

Impact in 11. 15.

An Angel Amongst the Stars (Supernatural x Doctor Who)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang