The Girl in the Fireplace Pt. 3

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I woke up "What's going on? Doctor?" I tried to move but found myself strapped down.

"Angela?" Rose questioned

"They're going to chop us up, just like the crew. They're going to chop us up and stick us all over their stupid spaceship. And where's the Doctor? Where's the precious Doctor now? He's been gone for flipping hours, that's where he is!"

"You are compatible,"

"Well, you might want to think about that," I told it

"You really, really, might, because me, Angela, and Mickey, we didn't come here alone. Oh no. And trust me, you wouldn't want to mess with our designated driver," The android extended his blade. "Ever heard of the Daleks?" I looked at Rose confused "Remember them? They had a name for our friend. They had myths about him, and a name. They called him the..." we heard a crash and bang.

"I could've danced all night, I could've danced all night," The Doctor sang

"They called him the...They called him the, the..."

The Doctor came swaying in, carrying a goblet and wearing his tie around his head "And still have begged for more. I could've spread my wings and done a thou. Have you met the French? My god, they know how to party,"

"Oh, look at what the cat dragged in," I said sarcastically

"The Oncoming Storm," Rose added

"Oh, you sound just like Rose's mother," The Doctor told me

"What've you been doing? Where've you been?"

"Well, among other things, I think just invented the banana daiquiri a few centuries early. Do you know, they've never seen a banana before. Always take a banana to a party. Bananas are good. Oh ho, ho, ho, ho brillaint." he walked to one of the androids "It's you. You're my favorite, you are. You are the best! Do you know why? Because you're so thick. You're Mister Thick Thick Thickity Thick Face from Thicktown, Thickania. And so's your dad. Do you know what they were scanning Reinette's brain for?"

"Her milometer. They want to know how old she is," I replied

"Know why? Because this ship is thirty seven years old, and they think that when Reinette is thirty seven, when she's complete, then her brain will be compatible. So, that's what you're missing, isn't it, hmm? Command circuit. Your computer. Your ship needs a brain. And for some reason, God knows what, only the brain of Madame de Pompadour will do,"

"The brain is compatible,"

"Compatible?" I laughed "If you believe that, you probably believe that's a glass of wine," The Doctor removed the mask and poured the contents of the goblet into its head.

"Multigrain anti-oil. If it moves, it doesn't." he headed to the switch on a console "Right, you three, that's enough lying about. Time we got the rest of the ship turned off,"

"Are those things safe?" Mickey asked

"Yeah. Safe. Safe and thick, way I like them. Okay. All the time windows are controlled from here. I need to close them all down. Zeus plugs. Where are my zeus plughs? I had them a minute ago. I was using them as castanets,"

"Why didn't they just open a time window to when she was thirty seven?" I voiced

"With the amount of damage to these circuits, they did well to hit the right century. Trial and error after that. The windows aren't closing. Why won't they close?"

A bell rang "What's that?" Rose asked

"What's that?"

"I don't know. Incoming message?"

"From who?" Mickey questioned

"Report from the field. One of them must still be out there with Reinette. That's why I can't close the windows. There's an override," I looked back at the android

"Doctor..." we watched as it expelled the anti-oil through its finger onto the floor.

"Well, that was a bit clever. Right. Many things about this are not good. Message from one of your little friends? Anything interesting?"

"She is complete. It begins," the androids teleported out.

"What's happening?" Rose asked

"One of them must have found the right time window. Now it's time to send in the troops. And this time they're bringing back her head,"


"I don't get it. How come they got in there?" Rose asked as we looked at the ballroom.

"They teleported." The Doctor explained "You saw them. As long as the ship and the ballroom are linked, their short range teleports will do the trick,"

"Well, we'll go in the TARDIS!" she told him

"We can't use the TARDIS. We're part of events now,"

"Well, can't we just smash through?"

"Hyperplex this side, plate glass the other. We need a truck,"

"We don't have a truck,"

"I know we don't have a truck!"

"Well, we've got to try something,"

"No. Smash the glass, smash the time window. There'd be no way back,"

"Could everyone just calm down? Please," Reinette shouted. "Such a commotion. Such distressing noise. Kindly remember that this is Versailles. This is the Royal Court, and we are French. I have made a decision. And my decision is no, I shall not be going with you today. I have seen your world, and I have no desire to set foot there again,"

"We do not require your feet," Two female dressed droids pushed Reinette to her knees.

"You think I fear you, but I do not fear you even now. You are merely the nightmare of my childhood. The monster from under my bed. And if my nightmare can return to plague me, then rest assured, so will yours."

There was a neigh and the mirror smashed as the Doctor jumped the horse through it and dismounted.

"Madame de Pompadour. You look younger every day," he greeted

"What the hell is going on?"

"Oh. This is my lover, the King of France," Reinette introduced

"Yeah? Well, I'm the Lord of Time, and I'm here to fix the clock." he took the mask off and had a blade pointed at his throat "Forget it. It's over. For you and for me. Talk about seven years bad luck. Try three thousand,"


We were all looking at the mirror which was now a brick wall "What happened? Where did the time window go How's he going to get back?" I glared at the wall and headed back for the TARDIS, tears streaming down my face.

An Angel Amongst the Stars (Supernatural x Doctor Who)Where stories live. Discover now