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It was a couple of days after when I snatched two pregnancy tests from the hospital and shoved them into my bag before anyone can notice

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It was a couple of days after when I snatched two pregnancy tests from the hospital and shoved them into my bag before anyone can notice.

It was nearly a week after and I haven't received any symptoms. Not receiving symptoms doesn't mean that I wasn't pregnant but I was nervous.

Constantly nervous to find out if I was or not so finally, today was the day I would find out.

When I got home, I still had two hours before Evander came home from training with the others. I raced up the stairs and locked myself in the bathroom even though I was home alone anyway.

After following all the instructions on the box packaging, I finally lifted the cloth to reveal if I was pregnant or not.

I can't believe a damn stick was going to identify my future.

When the two pink lines stared back at me, I grabbed it to see it closer to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. "Holy shit," I gasped, nearly dropping the pregnancy test in progress.

My other hand slapped over my mouth as tears spilled out of my eyes. Through the tears, a smile appeared on my face.

I quickly pushed the cloth off the second test and it said the same thing, making it more of a reality.

I'm pregnant.

I'm going to be a mother.

Holy shit.

A mother.

My mind was swirling over and over with different thoughts but the one constant one was I had to tell Evander.

I need to do something special.

This is big news. We're gonna start a family. Goddess, this is amazing. My mind was swirling with ideas on what to do as I paced the floor of our bedroom.

Then finally, I had the craziest idea and surprisingly, I didn't need Google's help.


I got eager and nervous when I heard the front door shut. I knew what he did every day. Evander would go into the kitchen for cold water in the fridge before anything else.

"Rieka, why did you circle this date on the calendar?" I hear Evander shout from downstairs. I froze. My heart began to race

This is it.

This is it.

I can do this.

I took a deep breath and exhaled before running down the staircase. "What?" I asked as I entered the kitchen, pretending not to hear him.

"Why is that day circled?" He asked, pointing to the calendar. "It's gonna-" I cut myself off, running to the oven.

"Shit, Ev hand me the mittens," I blurted out in a hurry, pretending that there was something burning in the oven. "What are you baking?" He asked, probably getting annoyed with me.

He hands me the mitten and I slipped them on before opening the oven to reveal the bun in the oven.

I stare at him, waiting to put the pieces together. "Why is there a bun in the oven?" he asked, clearly confused. "Figure it out, that date I circled on the calendar with the blue and pink marker is four months from now," I told him softly.

The bottled water Evander was still holding onto dropped, spilling water everywhere but I didn't care.

"You're..." Evander's words died as he had trouble saying what he was thinking. I nodded and as I threw my arms around his neck, his arms tightly wrapped around my waist. "Yes, I am," I nod my head, placing a kiss on the base of my neck as my eyes watered. "You're gonna be a father," I whispered, loving that this was a reality.

"I didn't think- oh my God, you're pregnant," Evander gasped.

"Yes, I am! We're going to have a family!" I cheered excitedly. He pulled back slightly to wipe my tears with this thumb.

And with the most sincere voice, he promised to me and our unborn child.

"We're gonna be the best parents ever."


So time for a little explanation. (Although nobody asked) In all of my stories, Literally, all of them that the female or whoever gets pregnant it's always unplanned or a mistake so since I've done so many new things with Ruthless I decided to make their child planned.

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