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Evander Rowan

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Evander Rowan

I eagerly pulled the door open and it chimes to announce my entrance. Lisa walked into the main room where I was standing. She smiled when she realized it was me. "Where is she?" I asked, noticing she wasn't with Lisa.

I was right on time. Four pm like promised. "Cassidy's room," she answered and I walked towards the hallway. I couldn't remember exactly which room was little Cassidy's but thankfully I found it when I saw Rieka sleeping peacefully on the bed through the tiny space of the open door.

I awed, admiring how peaceful and angelic she looked. Cassidy was curled up on the other side of the bed, hugging a stuffed wolf. Not even thinking if it was the right choice, I lift her cautiously bridal style. She moved a little but soon relaxed in my arms, leaning into my skin. I smirked, knowing that even in her sleep she was attracted to me.

As I walked out carefully, I was too busy admiring Rieka that I almost walked into a little girl. "Oh, hello there," I surprisingly stated. "Who's that Evander? She is very pretty," the little one awed, stretching her neck to get a better look at the sleeping beauty.

"She's my mate," I proudly announced.

"Your mate? Your real one?" The girl's eyes lit up. It always surprises me how happy a pack is when the mate of their Alpha is mentioned.

My smile widens," yes. But you need to keep it a secret alright?" I replied, keeping my voice soft so she wouldn't wake up.

Lily quickly nodded," she's going to be an amazing Luna! You should have seen her today, Alpha," Lily excitedly replied, almost bouncing on the spot. I winced, looking down at Rieka to make sure she hasn't woken up.

She shifted a bit, leaning into me but she was still out like a light.

"I bet she was, but I have to get her to bed, alright?" I whispered back. "Yes, of course, bye," she blurted out in a hurry before running away.

With a smile on my face, I walked out of the orphanage. I gently place her in the back seat, propping my hoodie under her head as a temporary pillow. After making sure she was secure I got into the driver's seat, strapping myself before driving home.

I used the excuse that my room was closer as I placed her on my bed. She moved around a bit in the new atmosphere and I was in complete awe of her beauty.

Her phone notified her that she received a message. Deciding to turn it off since it was loud and would possibly wake her, my movements froze when I saw her messages.

I didn't mean to look at them. But they caught my eyes and I couldn't stop.

We should talk.

I'm sorry for the way I reacted.

Please reply.

Call me.

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