An Update♡

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HELLO!! Wow, it's been so long I have so much to say. I have both good news and bad news.

Firstly, Broken Mates is completed!! Therefore, the sequel is done because I won't be doing another book. So for those are you that were waiting for the book to finish before reading, you can finally do so. I really love that book, as much as I do this one so I hope you guys like it as well!

I still haven't faced the fact completely that I've hit one million reads on Ruthless and now it's two million. That's crazy. Some days I think I've accepted it and others I stare at the numbers out of disbelief. Writing Ruthless I had zero intentions of it becoming something. And turns out my writing was judged and read by so many beautiful people!! Thank you to everyone who read Ruthless I love you, I appreciate you, I thank you.

I've also realized that with the help of the readers that a lot of my decisions I wrote in Ruthless weren't exactly the best chosen and it offended some people. Simple things like the dialogues but it's too late for me to change it right now. Maybe in the future when I'm less busy I'll edit the book and change my mistakes.

I've thought about it a lot and sadly to say, I will not be doing a bonus chapter. It feels right for me to leave the story as it is and I've already said goodbye to Ruthless, it will be hard for me to write one. I don't know where to begin to write that. Rieka is in Broken Mates, and there's a lot of other surprises that come along with that in that story;)

Also, a lot of people really wanted an alternative story with Rieka and William. Trust me, I want that too. But I really love William and Everest, their story is so beautiful to me. It wouldn't be the same and I don't think I can write a good story out of that. I'm sorry

I'll like to apologize to everyone for not using people of color in my story also. I didn't realize it until some people called me out on it so I promise it wasn't intentional. I'm so sorry for offending you in any way. I didn't mean to sound racist or anything like that. Those were just who I chose for me, it wasn't meant for you to use them as well, while reading.

Sadly, Ruthless was copied. If you've read Broken Mates, you would be aware of the situation. A reader of Ruthless told me on my public conversations that someone from the app RoseBook copied the book completely. Readers paid to read a stolen book. On the app, you cannot message or view writer's profiles so I sent a feedback report and after a couple of days, they responded and deleted the book:) Please don't steal other writer's work.

rphendren527 Writes amazing stories and does aesthetics and covers. Literally all of her stories are my favorites. So please check her out. We have a joined account SoRiley where we write stories together as well:)

On January 1st, 2021 I'll be publishing a new werewolf book. Only it's a werewolf×vampire book and will have approximately thirty chapters long. All the information will be posted on my profile on the first of January so please look out for that if you're interested in it

Welp...that's all for now. If I forgot anything or have anything new to add, I will add it on here. So I guess this is goodbye for now👋❤

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