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"I knew it!" I screamed throwing my arms around William and hugging him

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"I knew it!" I screamed throwing my arms around William and hugging him. "I'm so happy for you!" I cheered as he gently hugged me back. Evander cleared his throat behind me and I pull away. Oops. His hands instantly wrap around my waist protectively and I swat them away.

"Just please, bring her back to me," his sorrowful eyes dawned on her.

My lips parted to say something when Brandon walked in holding a wrapped sandwich and two bottles of water. "Here you go, Rie," places them on the table. I only drank half of the water before continuing my job on Everest.

At least now she looked less bloodied and bruised. "I'm going to wrap her cuts in gauze," I continued to talk William through everything I was doing seeing as it was helping him. After applying some of the creams on her gashes to help them heal faster I tightly wrap them in gauze.
I felt the gaze of Evander as I continued to cure her body.

Memories of when he was lying unconscious on a hospital bed as I took bullets out of his skin came back. All the emotions I was feeling, so oblivious as to what was going to happen. That day I thought of every possible twist and turn I could have gone through when Evander would have wakened up but the rollercoaster I've been on, still riding on, I would have never expected it.
At all.

"I know how you feel, Will. Feeling helpless while your mate lays unconscious on a bed with nothing you can do," I whispered, looking at her. I gave her some medicine that should make her wakeup soon and she should be in less pain than she was supposed to be in.

"You think? it's terrifying," he replied, his hands running down his face. His face falls when it dawned on him. "Wait- how would you- what?" He confusingly asks and I froze. Shit, I didn't mean for that to happen. "It's nothing, I've just seen it happen a lot," I lied, getting back to work.

All the X-rays that I've taken lay on the table beside us and as I ran through them, wondering how the hell she got in this position. "If she doesn't wake up by tonight, I'll take another set of pictures to make sure her body is healing. Even though she is unconscious it should be healing a little," I broke the silence.

"How are you feeling?" Evander asked, rubbing a hand down my arm soothingly. A sigh left my lips as I leaned into his touch. "Like I'm tired of doing X-rays and cleaning wounds," I mumbled, not knowing if he heard me or not. Evander let out a chuckle, letting me know that he heard me.

"Please eat? I don't need you knocked out in a hospital bed too," he softly spoke with the care and worry in his voice. I don't want to worry him. I sigh and step away from his grasp, turning to William who was too caught up holding the hand of his mate. "I'm going to take a break, I've done everything I can until she wakes up," I tell him.

His eyes met mine and I saw the dullness behind them. He only nods once," go ahead. I need you healthy to take care of her," he softly says, referring to his mate. I felt terrible for him. He's probably so shaken up. "Come on," Evander laces our fingers, shooting electricity as he does so. I picked up the water and sandwich with the other one before following him out.

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