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I was so flustered and angry that he thought he had the right to ask me those questions

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I was so flustered and angry that he thought he had the right to ask me those questions. I'm angry that part of me believed that he fixed his issues when he was away and now we would be okay. I know I didn't give him much of a chance but I felt like shit for the past three nights and I needed a break. I was tired of constantly thinking about him when I was unsure if he was thinking of me.

"You look hot by the way," Renee winked as we walked into the building. The scent of alcohol and sweaty humans could be smelt from the entrance of the parking lot. "So do you," I say. I didn't even know if she heard me because the music was threatening to burst my eardrums. Renee's body was the shape of an hourglass and even with her resting bitch face, she was gorgeous.

She had the look of innocence and the look of 'don't mess with me.' She had beautiful black hair paired with blue ocean eyes that made heads turn. Anything she wore looked good on her. But tonight she chose a short, red bodycon dress and her dark makeup look that brought out her beautiful eyes.

"Shots," she minds linked me and grabbed my hand as we both walked towards the bar.


A smile tugged my lips when I spotted him busy whisking away in his drink shaker. The way his muscles flexed and as I continued to watch him I realized the tiny little crush I had on him was less now. I wonder why. "The hottie is back," Renee leaned in and whispered in my ear. A grin on her face as she pulled away. Mikey Woods was one of the few boys who have attracted my eyes over the past couple of years.

He was attractive, no doubt with his grey eyes that were sometimes blue and brown mop of curls that almost brushed the nape of his neck. "He can't compare to Evander," White rolled her eyes but I pushed her back. "I see," I finally replied to her, biting on my bottom lip. The last time we met I whined up at his apartment with something he thought we both wanted. Trust me, I wanted him but I was saving myself for my mate. I scoffed at that thought.

Mikey felt my stare and looked in my direction. The thin line separated as his lips tugged upwards in a smile, revealing his white pearls. "The runaway!" He called after me, lifting the two margaritas he was holding. I gave a small smile, he didn't think much of it. Good. Renee pulled my hand toward the two empty chairs at the bar.

"Renee, it's good to see you again, thanks for not telling your pops about me living with the humans," Mikey spoke, sliding one of the drinks her way and the other to mine. Mikey was one of the werewolves that took a risk and decided to leave the pack and stay with the humans.

He was one who never got caught as yet and part of that helps with Renee. She never told his father and she always warns Mikey when they would do searches in his area. "It's no problem, Mike," she winked in his direction and he shifted his eyes to me. "Rie," his eyes softened and he took his bottom lip between his teeth. "You look delicious," he bluntly spoke. Leave it to Mike to have me smiling like an idiot. "Save me a dance," he winked before attending to another customer.


Instead of me waiting on his dance, he found us on the dancefloor when his shift was over. Immediately, Renee disappeared and Mikey wrapped his arms around my body. "Hi there," he smiled as we began to move to the beat of the song. "Mikel," I nod, using his full name and he rolled his eyes. "Shut up," his hand tightened around my waist as he pushed me hard against his body. His lips found it's way to my neck as his teeth grazed the tender skin. I let out a gentle moan and tugged my fingers through his soft hair.

"I hope you didn't come in a while because of me," he whispered against my neck but due to my heightened senses, I heard him perfectly. "Saying no isn't a bad thing, I tried chasing after you because I didn't want you out alone," he continued, kissing his way up my neck until our lips were merely touching. "No, I've been busy," I simply stated which was the truth. I didn't want to talk at all right now. "Rie, I hope y-" I cut him off by pushing his neck closer to mine and forcefully kissing him.

Mikey didn't seem to mind as he roughly kissed me back, pressing his hand to my lower back to bring us as humanly close as possible. His tough slid its way into my parted mouth and I couldn't help but wondered what it was like kissing Evander. Damn him. I pushed his thoughts away and focused on the mother man's hand curving my body as he held me while his lips worked fast against mine.

"Please don't avoid me again alright, we're friends, no?" Mikey said as our lips pulled apart, my chest kept rising and falling, forming a pattern. "Yes," I answered and searched around me for Renee. "She's at the bar," Mikey answered my thoughts. Relief flood through me and I grabbed Mikey's hand before pulling us towards the bar.

As he said, she was leaning against the counter with a beer in her hand watching people dance. Her eyes met ours and she smiled," come dance with me!" She said and pulled us back into the crowd.


"Please don't forget to call me," Mikey reminded me and pecked my lips for the final time. "I won't," I assured him before walking off into the car where Renee was waiting for me. Tonight was a good night. I had fun, I was reckless and enjoying myself. Tonight served its purpose and I forgot about my crappy life for one night.

I drove home in silence, Renee was knocked out in the passenger seat. When I woke her up and announced that we were home at twelve in the morning, she immediately bolted upstairs.

I was about to do the same but I needed water from the kitchen. A goofy smile played on my lips when I remembered the crazy side of the princess tonight. Her mate was truly lucky, whoever he was. The smile falls off my lips as I locked eyes with Evander. It was like my eyes had a mind of their own and knew exactly where to look when I entered the kitchen.

"You reek of another male's scent!" Evander hissed with a jaw clenched as he walked towards me. "And so do you!" I snapped back, Iris scent was all over him. I snapped before grabbing my water bottle and tried to leave.

Keyword, tried.

Evander pulled my hand back aggressively. I turned around and tried to pull away but his grip only tightened. "What happened?" He asked, how eyes were pleading with me to assure him that nothing happened with me and Mikey tonight. But something did and he shouldn't care. "It's none of your business, Alpha Evander and I don't think Luna Iris would appreciate you doing this," I snapped at him.

Evander stared at me stunned and I was wondering why it is he was allowing me to see his emotions tonight. Evander dropped my hand as if it was fire before walking past me to the exit. Two-faced much? Why the hell was he being so possessive and touchy just now? I should have tried harder to stop him.

He just had to ruin my night. But no he didn't, I must not focus on the negative parts.

One thing for sure, he can't get away with this.


Thoughts about Mikey?

Thoughts on Renee? She is a new main character :)

I have a really random question. What font do you use ? Mine is Source Sans Pro. It's so cute and tiny . Lol.

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