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His scent was faintly around the kitchen but it was stronger towards the stairs

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His scent was faintly around
the kitchen but it was stronger towards the stairs. He's upstairs. Sighing, I stormed into the second main kitchen because the cooks are probably preparing dinner by now.

I can't believe we stayed under the same roof last night. I kept thinking that maybe he has a reason for all of this but I couldn't think of any. It's like I don't even have a mate but all the symptoms are thrown at me when he is near.

I hate it.

I kept turning and twisting last night. I was miserable and I couldn't stop thinking about him. About Alpha Evander. White has been absent as well, I know she's having a hard time with our recent troubles.

My eyes flicked to the corner of the kitchen and unexpectedly, they widened. "You scared me," I admitted, holding a hand over my heart. I should be more aware of my surroundings even though I'm at home.

Kira and Brandon.

They never leave each other's sides. "Looking for you actually," Kira said, turning to her mate for confirmation. "Why?" I asked as my eyes narrowed. The last conversation we had didn't go so well. "Because we wanted to apologize for what happened at the hospital," Brandon spoke this time. "Yesterday," Kira continued. "It's forgiven, you were protecting your Luna and Alpha," I calmly stated but they both were uneased.

I had prepared myself to say that in case I was questioned or something. Like I said, I had a lot of time on my hands to think last night. "We know," Kira pointed out. She knew? That could mean a lot of things. "Okay?" I nodded confused before turning and was about to leave. "About Alpha Evand-" Brandon continued and within a second Kira had her hand over his mouth. She pressed her index finger to her lips before pointing up. Evander could hear us if we let him.

When you are in your pack you can control if you want others to hear you or not. Similar to when you leave your mind link open for any pack member to link you. I always have my guard up so no one can eavesdrop on any of my conversations. "It's safe, no one can hear you now tell me, what do you know?" I dared to ask them as I folded my arms across my chest. Unfortunately, they both remained silent as if they had no idea what they knew anymore. Idiots.

"She isn't his mate," is what Kira told me before she pulled them both out of the kitchen, leaving me there stunned.

She isn't his mate?

A smile broke out of my face and it felt like I was seeing sunlight for the first time.

She isn't his mate. That means I'm supposed to be his mate.

But he marked, chose, and made another.

Then that hurts more because he still chose her. After all, I wasn't good enough. I was never good enough.

I wasn't good enough for my father to stay alive and I wasn't good enough for my mate.

"Then...why?" I asked the question that had been haunting me since I met Iris. Brandon's eyes softened and they remained on his mate. "We prefer if Ev told you, not us. Don't give up on him okay?" Kira chose to leave me helpless.

What a great help she is.


Groaning, I thumped my way down the staircase. Stupid dinner. I huffed as I slid out the chair and flopped down on my chair. "What's wrong?" Slace asked, one of the head warriors. "Exhausted over practice," I lied to her. I simply didn't want to be eating at the same table with Evander and his mate.

"Food always makes you feel better," Queen Usha cheered, trying to make me smile. I plastered a fake smile across my face and nodded.

Everyone was now seated and food was distributed. I was sitting between my parents, Jayden next to my father. Opposite us were Alpha Evander and the Golden Cove members. And of course, at the head of the table were the king and queen, and at the other end were the beta and gamma as well as their mates.

Mates. I really hate that word.

"So, Alpha Evander what are your plans for your pack? I'm sure they were shaken up by the attack," My father asked. "My pack members are the ones who have to recover because it was a traumatic experience for the weak ones," he smoothly replied. He cares about them. I closed my eyes as he spoke to enhance how godly and amazing his voice actually sounds.

"We were thinking if you would stay for the next two weeks. We could really use your help in training our omegas and you could stay for Prince William, Jayden, and Sebastian's coronation." King Vison was being nice by mentioning Jayden and the Gamma's son. It was mostly the king's coronation where William becomes the king.

For some reason then, I looked at him and internally gasped because his eyes held mine as well. There was something different when he would look at me, like the atmosphere would change. "Mate," White whimpered.

My eyes shifted to Iris. I couldn't get over how beautiful she was. Well, in fact, that word wasn't good enough to describe how gorgeous she was.

She was the better one. And the one that I could never be.

Evander Rowan

It was a constant battle with my wolf in my head to a point where he wouldn't even speak to me.

"We were thinking if you would stay for the next two weeks. We could really use your help in training our omegas and you could stay for Prince William, Jayden, and Sebastian's coronation," the king requested of me. It was more of a demand between our wolves because when the king asks something it has to be done unless if you have a very good reason to. This castle is filthy of her delicate and delicious scent. Everywhere I turn I can smell her because this is the place she grew up in.

"We would love to, right love?" Iris spoke for me. I was shocked because I didn't know what to say. Iris only wanted to stay because she has a feeling her mate is on these grounds. She wants to escape and I want to be with Rieka. Soon I'll have to tell Iris about Rieka. It's breaking me, I don't know how much of it I can handle.

The more I thought of it I realized that if I leave, Rieka would be hurt. She already went through the heat alone, I hated myself for being weak. If only I was strong enough to wake up earlier and help her through it. She suffered because I fucked around with Iris. If I wanted to keep her hidden from him then I had to reject her. It would break her which is why I'm avoiding it to my limit.

"Right," I agreed. Iris smiled cheekily and wrapped one of her hands around mine. I wanted to growl at her and tell her to stop touching me but I hold back. Remembering back to when I woke up and was consumed by the most delicious caramel and vanilla scent. It changed my mind from caramel right away because I hated caramel. Before her.

The dinner went along as it should have, with no interruptions and no weird questions. I kept my eyes off Rieka and focused on Iris and the king.

How am I going to survive over the next two weeks? I have no idea.

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