Chapter 34

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*smut took place but I deleted it because don't want book taken down*

"Oh dear..." Harry bit his lip, "Liam's invited us all over but I can't walk or sit very well, it's gonna be obvious."

"It's alright Haz, they'll only tease us a bit."

"But I don't want them to tease us." He pouted, "I'll get embarrassed."

"Nothing to be embarrassed about, you're the winning one, you got some amazing sex."

"It was really good, thank you."

"Anytime baby. How's that little bum of yours?"

"Sore, but it was worth it."

"Harry," Louis giggled, "if not because you can't walk or sit, they're definitely going to know from your neck."

"What?" Harry squeaked, slapping a hand to his neck.

"It's covered in hickeys."

"Your fault." Harry glared.

"Cool." Louis smirked.


"They're definitely gonna know." Harry mumbled to Louis as they stood in front of the door.

"Niall definitely will."

The door swung open, Niall inviting them in. "Hello! Welcome to Liam's humble abode! Wait Harry, why are you walking funny?" Harry shot a glance at Louis who was smirking into his hand.

"Oh you know, just adult things." Louis quipped, Harry glaring at him.

"Adult things? Oh!" His eyes widened as he realised, "Louis and Harry had sex!" He ran into the kitchen where Liam and Zayn were.

Great." Harry mumbled, "now the whole world knows."

"Go on ladsss!" Liam patted them on the backs. "I take it Louis topped."

"Course I did Payno, have you seen the boy, he's soft as."

"He wasn't last night." Zayn grinned cheekily.

"Shut up." Harry flipped him off.

"So, did he give you a blowie Haz?"

"Louis! Help me." Harry cried out, burying his red face in the crook of Louis's neck.

"Yes I did, then I fucked him." He answered, earning a hard nudge from Harry.

"Not helping." Harry mumbled. "Are we actually going to do something or are you just going to be mean?"

"The latter."

"In that case I'm going home."

"You have no way to get there babe." Louis grinned.

"I'll walk. I'm good at that."

"Not today you aren't."

"Lou! Shut up!" Harry finally looked up with a pout. Louis ducked down with no hesitation, pressing a short but sweet kiss to Harry's lips.

"Larry kiss! Larry kiss! We just witnessed a Larry kiss! Like a proper on the lips one!" Niall cheered.

"Oh shut it Nialler."

"Sorry, sorry." He held his hands up.

"Lou you've gone proper soft for Harry." Liam commented.

"Yeah, well he's adorable." Louis shrugged. Harry looking up at him with a smile.

"I can't handle it, Liam pass me a beer." Niall sighed dramatically, holding his hand out as he closed his eyes. "Liam did you not hear me? I said pass me a fookin' beer!"

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