Chapter 29

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"Let's get you home Harry, I want to talk to you."

"Did they say I can leave?"

"Yeah, come on."


"Go and sit on the sofa Haz, I'll be there in a minute. I need to talk to Eleanor." Louis smiled softly at him.

He took out his phone, dialing Eleanor's number.

"Hey babe when are you coming home?"

"Listen, I'm breaking up with you."

"You can't do that! And over the phone? That's such a dick move Louis! Why are you even breaking up with me?" She squealed in annoyance.

"Because you're a bitch. You're horrible to Harry and you're just not a nice person. You're homophobic, and you're always making snide comments towards Harry. I'm done."

"Oh so what's he told you now? Huh?"

"You called him fat, and it's not like that's the only thing that's made me realise what a bad person you are."

"So what if I called him fat? It's true and so is everything else I said to him!"

"Fuck off, it wouldn't hurt you to be nice once in a while. I'll get my stuff tomorrow." With that he hung up the phone, walking over to Harry was biting his nails.

"I'm sorry Lou, I shouldn't have said anything-"

"Harry, she's not a nice person. This is for the best. And I can't have her being nasty to you. Plus, didn't I tell you that if someone was homophobic we would drop them.

Harry gave a small nod. "Thank you."

"What do you want to talk about first?"

Harry shrugged.

"How about your eating disorder? Yeah?"


"I think you answered most stuff at the hospital. But when did you decide to stop eating?"

"It was on tour. The UK tour. I don't remember what happened but I was upset about something and I was sat outside and I was scrolling through Twitter...and they were all saying I was fat so I decided to try and lose weight. I stopped eating but when I felt faint I'd have something small and make myself throw up later on. After a while I didn't have to make myself throw up, if I left it long enough it would just happen."

"I should've noticed." Louis sighed, "I know you think you're fat but you're not, not one bit. The doctor said you're severely underweight love. But you've never been fat. Do you want to talk to me about how you feel?"

"Not really...but I will. But you have to promise not to laugh."

"There's nothing to laugh about. Your feelings are valid."

"I just, I always feel like I'm not good enough, and I feel like I'm a waste of space. The world doesn't need me here, I'm just nothing. I'm annoying and ugly and boring and stupid and useless and worthless and I just get in the way. I'm one of those people that nobody wants around and they don't notice when I'm gone. And I feel fucking sad all the time, either sad, angry or emotionless. Like I have times where I laugh and stuff but deep down I'm not happy."

"I can confirm that all of that stuff you just said isn't true. Well not the last part, but everyone cares about you so much Harry. You're the kindest person I know and you're always here for anyone and everyone. All you want is for everyone to be happy. You're beautiful, inside and out. Nobody, and I mean nobody compares to you."

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