Chapter 21

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It was 2am and Harry was sat on the sofa, staring into space. A light flicked on and footsteps echoed through the living room.

"Fucking shitting hell!" Louis exclaimed, his hands resting over his heart, "what the fuck are you doing? You gave me a fucking heart attack!"

"Grace is in my room."

"Okkk..why the hell is she in your room?"

"Management said she has to stay til tomorrow. And I let her have my room."

"I thought you hated her."

"I do, she's a complete and utter bitch, but I just...I don't know. What are you doing down here?"

"Thirsty." He walked into the kitchen and Harry heard water running before Louis returned. "Come on."


"You're not sleeping down here." Louis grabbed Harry's hand, pulling him off the sofa. "You can share my bed."

"Are you sure that's alright? I don't want to be a bother."

"Of course it's alright. In ya get." He patted his bed, Harry lay down, Louis sliding in next to him. "I know you're always cuddling something when you're sleeping so-"

"Lou, don't embarrass me." Harry groaned.

"I'm not, I'm just stating facts. Whenever you sleep, you're cuddling something. Anywayyy, you can cuddle me if you want, we both know we'll end up in each other's arms by the morning anyway."

Harry felt his cheeks heat up, thanking the lord that it was too dark to see his delicate blush. "Eleanor won't like that though."

"So? It's not like I'm cheating on her of anything. I'm allowed to cuddle with my best mate."

"Ok." Harry agreed, nuzzling into Louis as he wrapped his arms and legs around Louis's petite frame. "Night Lou."

"Night Haz." Louis mumbled into Harry's mop of curls.


"Oops!" Harry squeaked as he rolled off the bed, pulling Louis with him. The bed was much smaller than his own.

"Hi." Louis chuckled as climbed off of Harry.

"Sorry." Harry smiled sheepishly, "good morning."

"Good morning to you too. Do you want me to get you some coffee?"

"Only if you're getting yourself some. I can get it if you want."

"Nah, I'll do it, go have a shower."

"Thank you. You should get a bigger bed by the way."

"Why? Are you planning on sharing more often?" Louis winked, leaving Harry with a red face.

Harry showered quickly before walking down the stairs. "Here." Louis held out the coffee, Grace appearing from nowhere and taking it from his hand.

"Awe you made me coffee."

"Actually, that was for Harry." Louis frowned.

"Well, he'll just have to make his own."

"But I made that for Harry."

"Too late." She took a sip, walking into the living room.

"What a bitch." Louis muttered, "here, have mine."

"No, it's alright. I can make my own quickly. Wait what?" He turned to the front door as it burst open. "What is it with people and letting us know before they come over?"

Zayn, Liam and Niall walked in, giving a strange look to Grace. "What's she still doing here?" Niall called, Grace rolling her eyes.

"I can hear you, you know."

"I know, but Louis and Harry are in the kitchen and I'm not." The trio continued to walk through to the kitchen.

"Management said she had to." Harry explained.

"Wait where did she sleep?"

"My bed."

"Wait wait wait, Harold, did you share with her?"

"Absolutely not." Harry shook his head.

"So where did you sleep?"

"With Louis. Wait, no! Not like that!" He quickly added as the boys smirked at him. "Honest."

"So you're telling me if we go up to Louis's room, we're not going to see stains all over his sheets."

"Not from last night, no."

"So you've done it before?"

"Oh fucking hell." Harry grew frustrated as all the boys continued to wind him up, Louis not helping in the slightest. "No, I mean there would only be stains from when he, you know."

"When I what?" Louis asked cheekily.

"Shut up." He groaned. "What are you lot even doing here?"

"Niall was bored, of course, said he'd been over here yesterday and he was coming back and asked if we wanted to come."

"Well, nice knowing ya lads but I'm off for a shower." Louis chirped, walking off upstairs.

"I'm going now." Grace stood up, waving sweetly to the boys.

"Bye." Harry mumbled. "Oh thank god." He let out as a sigh as she shit the door behind her.

"You and Lou definitely cuddled didn't you?" Niall beamed.

"Well, I mean I-I...yeah. He said he knew I'd end up cuddling him some point during the night so he let me before we went to sleep."

"Oh my goddd, you're so cute! I ship it, do you ship it?" Niall bounced up and down, turning to Liam and Zayn.

"Definitely." Liam agreed, "you can't keep your hands off eachother."

"You do know he has a girlfriend right?"

"Whatever. Can we go somewhere today?"

"Like where?"

"I don't know, let's go to shopping centre."

"We'll have to ask Louis, but I'm down for it."

Louis soon emerged from the shower, throwing himself onto the sofa. "So, what are we doing today boys?"

"We were thinking maybe we could go shopping?"

"Yes! I need some new clothes, let's go."

"Who's driving?"

"I will." Liam volunteered, "but who's sitting up front next to me?"

All eyes turned to Niall. "Oh why's it always me?" He groaned.

"Because if you're with us you're an actual nightmare."

"Rude." He muttered. "Come on Liam, let's leave these peasants to sit in the back."

"Oi, remember you said me and Harry were more interesting than them."

"Harry and I." Harry corrected quietly, earning a glare from Louis.

"You said what? Niall you little bitch!" Zayn began chasing him.

"Princess Harry, your chariot awaits." Louis opened the door, shoving Harry inside.

"That wasn't very nice." Harry pouted.

"You're not very nice."


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