Chapter 14

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Harry pushed his food around his plate as his mum talked with the boys, he listened in to their conversation, contributing every now and then.

"Why aren't you eating?" Louis raised an eyebrow at Harry.

"I'm just not hungry. Sorry."

"Harry." Anne frowned. Harry looked up at her.



"I'm not hungry."

"Harry if you don't eat something yourself I'll shove it down your throat." She threatened.

"Alright sorry." He stabbed a chip with his fork before putting it into his mouth. "Better?" He swallowed it, a sick feeling rising in his stomach.

"And more."

"Mum." He groaned. "This is embarrassing."

"Eat it and I'll shut up."



"I'll see you in a few days." Harry hugged his mum tightly. "I love you."

"I love you too darling. Remember I'm only one call away if you need to talk to me."

Harry nodded.

"Bye boys. I'll see you soon maybe?"

"Yeah of course. Bye Mrs Twist."

"For the last time Louis, call me Anne."

"Bye Anne." Louis laughed.


"I'm going to have a shower." Harry walked into the bathroom. Ever since he had been forced to eat by his mum he had felt sick. He needed to throw it up.

He turned the shower on, kneeling in front of the toilet and sticking two fingers down his throat.

He slumped back against the wall, squeezing his eyes shut. Once the wave of nausea had passed he stood up, stripping down before climbing into the shower.

As he began to wash himself he looked down at his stomach. Despite not eating, it was still fat. He closed his eyes again, begging himself to ignore the urge he had. Without even thinking, he had grabbed his washbag of the side, taking the blade from it.

He bit his lip, slowly bringing it across his wrist. "Fucking hell, get a grip." He muttered to himself, rinsing the blood off, wincing at the sting.

"Harry hurry up! I need to piss!" Niall pounded on the door.

"Uh-ok hold on." He wrapped his arm up before pulling on a jumper and joggers. "Sorry." He offered a half smile as he stepped out of the bathroom.

"Nope, there is no way you're going to win." Louis said confidently as Liam argued with him. They were playing FIFA whilst Zayn, Niall and Harry watched.

"Holy shit!" Niall jumped as Harry's phone rang out loudly.

"Sorry, it's Gem." He told them before answering, "hey Gem."

"Harry are you alright!? Mum told me about-"

"Gem shut up, you're on speaker. Hold on." Harry raised his voice nervously to cut her off. He stood up and walked into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him. "Right, go on."

The boys frowned at that, was Harry alright? What was he hiding from them?

"No, yeah I'm fine. Honestly, I'll be fine. Don't worry about me...I know I'm your little brother but-no of course I haven't. Because it's fucking pathetic."

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