Chapter 11

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"Is it my turn yet?" Louis peered through the door.

"Patience Louis."

"I'm boreddd." He whined.

"Oh come in then. Sit over there and don't be annoying."

"I'm an angel."

"Oh yeah, I'm sure you are."

"I am, aren't I Harry? I swear."


"Harry look at me." She tilted his head, dusting a powder onto his face.

"Can I stay in here?" Harry asked as she finished his makeup.

"Same rules apply, don't be annoying."

"Ok...I don't want to go on stage." He admitted quietly.

"Why not? Is it because of the signs?" Louis shot him a worried glance.

"Um kind of. Yeah it is."

"What signs?" Lou asked.

"Um, there's been some horrible signs aimed at Harry."

"Saying what?"

"One was calling him a fag or something and the other told him to kill himself."

"Oh Harry you poor soul. You don't deserve that. I'm sorry."

"It's fine." He mumbled. "It just hurts that people are bringing them to shows."

"I can imagine."

"Haz it will be fine. How about get security to check all the signs and stuff yeah? And anyone with a sign like that can't come in."

"Ok. Yeah."


Harry checked his wrists again, making sure no cuts could be seen before running on stage after the rest of the boys. He ran up to the edge of the stage, singing into the mic. He broke out into a grin as the fans screamed out to him. "We love you Harry!"

"I love you too. Thank you." He mouthed back.


"There weren't any signs and they said they loved me." Harry beamed at Louis.

"See Haz. They love you, it's just a few stupid dicks."

"That hasn't happened since last tour."

Louis smiled, giving Harry a hug. As much as Louis was happy that Harry was happy, it was sad that this hadn't happened since last tour.


"We've got a signing tomorrow." Liam announced, walking into the tour bus.

"Shit." Harry muttered.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I just, we haven't done a meet and greet for ages and it gets a bit overwhelming and I don't want an anxiety attack."

"If it's gets too much just let one of us know, yeah? You can have a break."

"Ok. Thank you." Harry nodded, "I think I'm going to go to bed."

"Actually, me too." Louis agreed. "I'm knackered."

Harry gathered his stuff, going into the bathroom. He quickly washed and got changed before unlocking the door.

"Oh 'm sorry." Harry muttered quickly, turning around. Louis was in the middle of getting changed when he walked in.

"Doesn't matter." Louis shrugged, "nothing you haven't seen before."

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