Chapter 3

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Louis lay in bed silently staring at the ceiling as he listened to Harry toss and turn beneath him. He wanted to know what was bothering Harry. There was obviously something going on that was a lot bigger than what Harry was telling him.

He was brought out of his thoughts as he heard a small sniffle below him, another one followed, gradually getting louder. He turned over, watching as Harry stood up, his face glistening with tears in the moonlight that was beaming through the gap in the curtains, and walked into the bathroom.

Louis noticed that the whimpers got louder as Harry hid in the bathroom. What was upsetting him?


Over the past week Louis had noticed that this was a recurring pattern for Harry; wait until he thought everyone was asleep, begin to cry, lock himself in the bathroom.

It hurt Louis' heart to see Harry like this. He was usually such a happy person.

"Harry. Are you ok? I heard you crying last night." Louis decided it was time to say something, but left out the fact he'd been hearing it everyday for the past week.

"Um, just allergies." He lied obviously.

"Harry. You don't have any allergies. So why don't you tell me what's really going on?"

"Because I don't want to. Ok? I don't have to talk to you about my life." He slammed the fridge shut, sitting on the sofa.

"I'm sorry Curly. I'm just worried about you."

"Well don't be. Everything's fine."

"Damn what's gotten into him?" Niall whistled loudly as Louis entered the main part of the bus.

"No idea. Other than you know, the anger and stuff are you sure you haven't noticed anything?" Louis pressed.

"Like what?"

"I don't know." He sighed in defeat.

"Has anyone spoken to him about not being a dick on tour?"

"Not yet. Shall I do it now?" Zayn offered. Everyone nodded, watching as he opened the door quietly before shutting it again. "Shit um he's crying shit shit shit."

Louis pushed past Zayn, quickly going into the room. He sat down next to Harry, looking at him sadly.

"I'm sorry." Harry cried, "I'm sorry-"

"What for Haz?" Louis hugged him, talking softly.

"For messing everything up. I didn't mean to. I-I won't ruin the tour. I-I promise."

Louis sighed, realising Harry must have heard what Liam had said.

"I'm sorry I'm being a dick. I'll be normal on tour, like in the interview."

"Come on. Let's go and do something."

"I don't want to."

"Why not?"

"I don't want them to see me like this."

"Come on Harry, they love you."

"No. It's embarrassing. I'm staying here."

"Alright. Do you want me to stay here with you?"


"Ok, call me if you need me." He nodded.

"What's wrong with him?"

"He heard what you said Liam, about him not being a dick on tour."

"How come he's crying about that?"

"I don't know. He seems scared about ruining it for us. About messing up."

"Oh bless him."

"I don't understand him at the moment." Niall looked confused.

"I don't think any of us do."


Niall's phone bleeped with a message from management, causing him to jump up excitedly.

"We're going to be staying in a hotel for the next few days."

"Oh thank god." Zayn grinned.

"Bagsy my own room!" Niall shouted.

"Louis do you wanna share with Harry?"

"Yeah, course."

"What's going on?" Harry peered out of the door shyly, brushing his hair out of his face.

"We're staying in a hotel for a few days. You alright sharing with Louis?"

"Mhm yeah."


"Ah. Well looks like we're sharing a bed Curly." Louis raised his eyebrows at the singular double bed that sat in the middle of the room.

"Seriously? Is there no other bed anywhere?"

"Not unless it's going to spring out the floor." Louis laughed.

"Yeah sorry. Stupid comment." Harry nodded.

Louis let out another laugh before running and flopping on the bed. "God it feels so nice to have an actual bed."

"Move over." Harry followed, copying Louis's actions.

"God I'm knackered. How about a power nap?"

"Sounds good." Harry mumbled, rolling onto his front and burying his face in the pillow. Louis did the same, staring at Harry through the gap in his arms.

Suddenly Louis's phone rang, causing the pair to jump up.

"Sorry. Eleanor." Louis held his phone up.

"Hey love. No, no sorry. No we're not, we're at a hotel. No sorry, Harry and I are sharing a room. No, not really, I haven't seen him for a while so it would be good to spend some time with him. I'm going to have a nap now, I'm knackered. See you later, yeah I'll talk to you soon. Bye."

"What was that about?" Harry asked, his voice muffled by his arm.

"She wanted to know if she could stay with us for a bit."

"It's only been a week?"

"I know, she's a bit, well a bit clingy I suppose. I don't mind though. I just thought it would be nice to spend time with you."

"Really? I-I can share with Niall if you want and you and Eleanor can stay in here."

"No Harry, I want to stay with you. How about that nap ey?"

"Mhm." Harry nuzzled his head back into the pillow, gently inhaling. He soon drifted of to sleep, his pink lips parted slightly.

Louis lay there, staring at Harry. Truth was he wasn't that tired, but he could tell Harry was and he knew Harry would never sleep knowing Louis was going to stay awake.

It soon got dark and Harry was still asleep, as was Louis. They slept there until the next day.

"Wake up sleepyhead!" Louis grinned, pulling the duvet off Harry.

"Ugh Lou." He groaned, rubbing his eyes.

"You must've been knackered you slept for like 17 hours straight."

"Yeah, I haven't been getting much sleep lately." Harry admitted.

"Poor soul." He smiled sympathetically.

"You better get ready, we gotta leave for another interview in am hour."

"I hate these fucking interviews." Harry groaned.

"How come?"

"They always ask the same questions and they don't stop snooping about your personal life."

"That's true. But it is their job."

"I know. I still hate it."

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