Chapter 27

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"So you're telling me I've come all the way here, just for you to leave me to spend time with him!?" She shrieked.

"Yep." Louis nodded, popping the p. "Sounds about right."

"God why are you such a dick sometimes?"

"You're being homophobic."

"Maybe it's best if you go." Liam said from the doorway. "Go and stay in a hotel or something."

"Fuck you." She spat, grabbing her bag and storming out.

"Jesus Christ." He sat down, rubbing his temples, "I'm sorry Harry."

"It's not your fault." Harry shrugged, "don't worry about it. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah. I hope she's not actually homophobic and she was just I don't know...if she is I'm going to break up with her." He sighed, "anyway, how about we go exploring?"

"I take it I'm uninvited?" Niall asked.

"Nope, of course not."

"In that case I'm uninviting myself, have a nice date, day. I meant day." He smirked.

Harry glared at Niall as Louis just chuckled, "bye Nialler. Bye you two."


"Can we go to that pancake stall over there?" Louis jumped up and down like a little kid.

"If you really want to." Harry laughed.

"What do you want? I'll pay."

"Oh, um I'm not really hungry." Harry hadn't had a chance to throw up the breakfast that Louis had made him eat, and he was feeling increasingly sick by the second. "Actually, I'm feeling quite sick."

"The bus is only around the corner,do you need to go back for a bit?"

"No, no I don't want to ruin today as well."

"Let's go back to the bus until it dies down. You might throw up and then feel better or you might just have the feeling. We're here for another day anyway so we can look around tomorrow if you don't feel great."

"I'm sorry Lou. I keep messing things up." He bowed his head.

"No you don't love, come on, let's get you back to the bus."

As soon as they set foot on the bus, the urge to throw up became overwhelming, Harry running to thee toilet. Louis was immediately by his side, pushing his hair out of his face. "Are you ok? Is that all of it?"

Harry shook his head, throwing up again, Louis pulling his hair into a ponytail with the scrunchie on the side. It soon got to the point where Harry was dry heaving so Louis moved him away from the toilet bowl, flushing the toilet before getting Niall to pass him a glass of water. "You feeling better now?"

"Yeah. Sorry."

"Don't be sorry. I think you should eat something to line your stomach."

Harry shook his head, "no. I don't need to."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. Can we keep looking around? I feel fine now, I just need to brush my teeth."

"Do you not need to rest or something?"

"No, I'm fine. I don't feel sick anymore."

"Surely it doesn't just go like that." Niall frowned.

"Look, I'm fine ok? Are we going to go or not?" Harry snapped.

"Ok, ok. Go brush your teeth and we'll go." Louis sighed.

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