Chapter 15

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"Harryyyy, where are you?" Louis strolled into the bus.

"He's still in bed mate, he didn't get back in until like 3 this morning." Liam told him.

"3!? Bloody hell. I told him to go back before it gets too dark."

"You saw him yesterday?"

"Yeah, Els and I were sat in a little clearing and he came by sobbing."

"He what? Why was he upset?"

"I don't know, he said he didn't know either, but his anxiety was bad yesterday."

"Oh god I didn't know."

"No, I don't think he wanted anyone to know. I'm going to go and see him." Louis walked into the bedroom. "Alright Haz?" Louis whispered, stroking his hair back from his forehead.

"Mmm." Harry groaned, his eyes fluttering open.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"Kinda, it's ok though."

"Are you feeling better today?"

"I don't know, I only just woke up." He gave a small chuckle.

"True. Liam told me you didn't get in until 3, what were you doing?"

"I don't know, I was crying and thinking and then I lost track of time."

"Oh Haz. I shouldn't have left you there, you were visibly upset."

"No don't worry, I wanted to be alone."

"Do you want me to leave you to sleep?"

"No it's ok, I'll get up now." Harry lifted the duvet off him before rolling out of bed.

"God you look awful." Zayn commented as he walked over to his bed.

"Cheers." Harry rubbed his eyes. "My mum and Gemma are going to be at our concert tomorrow." He said randomly with a smile.

"Yesss!" Liam called, "Anne is fit!"

"Liam! She's my mum!"

"And? She's hot."

"Oh shut up."

"He's not lying though mate." Niall grinned cheekily.

"She's also like double your age. And married."

"So, what are you planning on doing on the break?" Before they travelled around Europe they were scheduled to have a two week break.

"We're just gonna hang out, aren't we Harry? Eleanor might stay with us for a couple of days."

"She might? Oh. I thought this was time off?"

"It is, but I want her to stay with us. I think I might ask her to be my actual girlfriend." Harry's heart dropped.

"Really?" Niall asked, "management are gonna have a field day."

"I know." Louis laughed.

"Fuck." Harry murmured, gripping the closest bed to him.

"Are you ok?"

Harry squinted, squeezing his eyes shut to try and get rid of the black dots which clouded his vision.

"Yeah, yeah." He shook his head as the dots slowly floated away. "Sorry, I just went dizzy."

"Do you need to sit down?"

"No I think I'm ok."

"Sit." Louis instructed.

"No, Lou I'm fine. It's passed." Harry insisted.

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