Chapter 9

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"I'm ready to go wherever we're going." Harry walked out of the bathroom, rubbing his wrist gently.

"We're going to breakfast down in the hotel restaurant."

"Oh do we have to?" Harry groaned.

"Are you not hungry?"

"No, not at all sorry. You can go of course, and I'll come but I'm not eating anything."

"Let's go then." Louis smiled, skipping out of the door.

They spotted the other three already sat at a table and headed over to them. "Do you want to order?"

"Go ahead, I'm not getting anything." Harry told them.

"You feeling alright mate?"

"I'm just not hungry."

"Oh, fair enough."


The next few shows were fine, Harry enjoyed them as much as he possibly could. That was until he spot another sign. This one much worse.

Harry made his way over to Louis whilst Liam sung his part. Harry motioned to Louis to put his mic down as he bit his quivering lip.

"There's another sign."

"Fucking hell. Are you alright?"


Louis patted Harry's arm, motioning to the cameraman to keep the camera off Harry.

"You still ok to do your part?"

"Y-yeah I'll be fine."

Harry began to sing, his voice catching in his throat as the tears refilled in his eyes. Louis caught on, beginning to sing Harry's part as Harry pretended to have a drink, hiding his face.

"I-I'm gonna go off stage a minute." Harry mumbled to Niall.

"Are you alright mate?"

Harry nodded before rushing off side.

Louis shot a worried look at him, scanning the crowd for the sign. He soon spotted it, his face falling.

'why hasn't Harry killed himself yet?' Louis backed up to the other three, pointing out the sign to them.

Niall stood forward, beginning to sing his part as the others frowned.

"Should we say something."

"Oh course I'm going to fucking say something. They're fucking sick."

"After this song though? And Louis please don't get too you know..."

"I'm going to be giving them a piece of my fucking mind."

"Um, can we please have some quiet in here, Louis has something important to say."

"Right, not to sound like a teacher or anything but I have something important to address. You, in the 4th row I think, yeah you with the sign. What the hell is wrong with you!?"

The crowd began to stir, turning around to look at who Louis was talking to, a murmur rippling across the arena.

"How do you think it's ok to say something like that? We all get hate, it's expected, but Harry's getting far too much and to bring it to a show is so fucking low. You don't know what's fucking going on in someone's mind when they're on their own so please just think before you do anything. It's not hard to just think. Harry is probably the kindest person I've ever met and everyone who knows him knows that he'd never do something to intentionally hurt someone. He doesn't deserve any hate whatsoever so please, leave him alone."

"He fucking deserves it the ugly fag!" They shouted back, Louis clenching his jaw.

"Get her out. Now. I don't want her ruining the show anymore than she has." He growled. "I'm sorry everyone for this, and I really apologize if we've messed up the show. We're going to have a quick five minute break if that's alright and then we'll keep going and make up for the time."

"I'll stay out here and talk to them yeah? Or sing or something?" Zayn offered.

"Thank you."

"We'll stay out here as well, Harry will probably prefer it if it's just you." Liam said.

"Alright, I'll go and check on him." Louis turned his mic off, putting it down before rushing off to the side.

"Harry? Where are you?"

Louis heard a small whimper in response and followed the sound.

"Harry, love. Come here." Louis hugged him tightly as he sobbed.

"I'm sorry for ruining the show."

"You didn't ruin the show at all, that girl did. We've had her escorted out Haz."

"Everyone's going to make fun of me for going off stage, that was so stupid."

"Calm down, it's ok. They're worried about you, yeah, but they don't think you're stupid."

"Ok." He mumbled, wiping his eyes on his sleeve. "Can I splash my face with cold water so it doesn't look like I've been crying?"

"Of course, and please ignore that sign. I know you wouldn't do something like that anyway, but still."

"Like what?"

"Kill yourself."



"Um, sorry everyone. I'm fine, I just needed a bit of a breather. Um, lets just continue." He half smiled.

Liam shot him a thumbs up with a questioning look, Harry returning the thumbs up.

They finished the show, thanking their fans before heading offstage.

"Are you alright mate? That sign was fucked up." Liam frowned.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

"You still up for going out for food?"

"Um I'm going to go back to the hotel if you don't mind, you still go though."

"Are you sure? We don't have to stay long."

"No it's fine, I'm tired anyway so I'll just go back."

"Alright, call us if you need anything."

Harry nodded, saying goodbye to everyone before heading back to the hotel.

As soon as he got into the room he broke down in tears. It was so hard to hide his unhappiness from everyone all the time.

As soon as he had seen that sign he had almost burst into tears and for the rest of the night he had desperately craved his blade. He locked himself in the bathroom, grabbing his blade before yet again sliding it across his wrist.

All he wanted right now was a hug from someone who cared, he wanted them to tell him everything would be alright, but no-one would because Harry refused to let anyone know how he truly felt.

"You...stupid...fucking...idiot..." He growled through gritted teeth, bringing the blade across his wrist harder and harder between each word.

Once he had stopped slashing at his arm he slowly stood up, rinsing off both his arm and his blade, wrapping a bandage around his arm before looking into the mirror.

He winced at the sight in front of him, his eyes were red and puffy and there were purple bags under his eyes. His skin was pale and his lips were cracked. He looked like a monster.

He dragged himself out of the bathroom, changing into pyjamas before curling up in bed. He grabbed one of the spare pillows, hugging it tightly and burying his face in it.

Within minutes Harry had drifted off to sleep. When Louis arrived back to the room he couldn't help but to admire Harry who looked adorable, but sad. His lips were parted slightly and his face was red as if he'd been crying. He had the majority of his face buried in the pillow, his hands gently gripping it.

Louis quickly showered before getting changed and sliding into the bed next to Harry.

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