Chapter 19

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Wait, you two are sisters!?" Rarity and Sweetie Belle said at the same time. Me and Applebloom smiled nervously and nodded at the same time. We really are sisters. "So I'm dating AA Inc's younger daughter!? Bloomy, why didn't you tell me?" Sweetie Belle said looking at her girlfriend. Applebloom laugh nervously. "I want to a have a simple life, Sweetie. I don't like getting attention from people...sorry." She said. Sweetie sighed and smiled at her. "I understand, but I'm your girlfriend so please stop keeping secrets from me, okay?" She said. Applebloom smile. "Well I was about to tell you awhile ago at school but you're busy studying with Diamond Tiara. of course I don't want to be the reason if you suddenly have failing grades." Applebloom said, adding a little jealousy on the tone of her voice.

"That was very surprising." Mrs. Bouffant said behind us. She went towards a cabinet and grab some dishes. She look at us. "But, since my two daughter's suitor are here. Why don't you join us for dinner?" Said Mrs. Bouffant as me and Applebloom look at each other. "Nah, we're good." We both said. But our traitor tummy really wanted that chicken. The sound of our stomach was heard by Mr. Flanks. "I think your tummy just disagree to your decision. Don't be shy, let's eat as a family!" He said as he offer us a seat and we gladly took it.

After eating with Rarity and Sweetie Belle's parents, I think it's time for us to go home. "Goodbye Mr. Flanks and Mrs. Bouffant." I said hugging them goodbye. I look at Rarity and smiled. "Goodbye Rarity." I said, leaning on her to peck her on the cheeks. I can hear her parents squealing beside me. She smiled. "Goodbye darling. I'll call you later." She said, waving goodbye. Applebloom did the same and we both went to our separated place. When I reach my apartment, I went upstairs and flop myself into my bed.

Today was pretty exhausting. So I better sleep right now so I'll have energy tomorrow because tomorrow is the day where I'm gonna asked Rarity to be my girlfriend, for real.


I went out of my house and lock the door. Sunset woke early than me so she's probably in school already. I decided to use my Ducati Diavel 1260 S for today to impress my gorgeous Rarity. I was in the middle of a traffic road when Sunset called me. "Dude, Applejack, where are you!?" She said from the phone. I look around and realized that I haven't reached half of the school yet. "I'm stuck in a traffic, why?" I asked as I continue to stare at the traffic light. "Class will start in about 2 minutes and your girlfriend here is so worried about you!" She said. When I heard what Sunset's just said about Rarity, A smile appeared on my face. "Oh really? tell her to wait for me." I said hanging up. After 28 minutes of driving my Ducati, I reach the school's parking lot. Climbing out of my bike, I park it near a tree, removing the keys as I went inside the school.

As I reach my class, I look at my watch. "Shit I'm 30 minutes late..." I thought to myself. There's no way I'll go inside the class, it'd fucking embarrassing. I grab my phone and texted Sunset. "30 minutes late. I ain't going in there Sunset. I'll just hang on the music room." I said on the text and hit the send button. I started walking towards the music room. When I open the door, the music room was empty. Great. I close the door behind me and started roaming around the room. Different kinds of instruments was displayed in every corner of the room. A guitar caught my eye, so I walk towards that guitar and grab it. I played two instruments by the way. A acoustic guitar and a base, but I like playing acoustic more.

(Click the video and continue reading.)

I sat in the nearest chair and started strumming the guitar. A song came in my head and started singing.

"105 is the number that comes to my head, When I think of all the years I wanna be with you.
Wake up every morning with you in my bed, That's precisely what I plan to do." Rarity suddenly came into my mind, while singing. "And you know one of these days when I get my money right. Buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life. Will forever be enough, so there ain't no need to rush. But one day, I won't be able to ask you loud enough."

"I'll say will you marry me, I swear that I will mean it. I'll say will you marry me." Now I started picturing Rarity walking in the aisle. Rarity, why do I feel like my heart is about to explode..? I continue to strum the guitar. "How many girls in the world can make me feel like this? Baby I don't ever plan to find out. The more I look, the more I find the reasons why. Rarity, you're the love of my life."

"And you know one of these days when I get my money right. Buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life. Will forever be enough, so there ain't no need to rush. But one day, I won't be able to ask you loud enough." As I continue to sing, I feel like I was singing this song in front of Rarity. My heart is pounding fast like I'm so nervous on what Rarity will say if I actually sing this song to her. Will she say yes? fuck I'm so nervous..
"And if I lost everything. In my heart it means nothing. 'Cause I have you, girl I have you. So get right down on bended knee. Nothing else would ever be .Better, better. The day when I say."

"I'll say will you marry me. I swear that I will mean it. I'll say will you marry me." I started thinking about Rarity being my wife. We will have our own house and live together. And probably have kids...isn't that great to hear? "Ooh whoa ooh oh. Ooh whoa ooh oh. Ooh whoa ooh oh..."

"105 is the number that comes to my head. When I think of all the years I wanna be with you. Wake up every morning with you in my bed. That's precisely what I plan to do..." Finished strumming the guitar, I slowly open my eyes and Fuck sake, my world began to shake when I saw Everyone, when I say everyone, I meant my friends standing on the door, smirking at me, making me gulped.



So how's chapter 19? you probably sing along with the song I pick. This chapter was actually dedicated to someone. anyways, hope you like this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment down below!

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