Chapter 12

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Hunter's POV

"When you said that me and the guys helped you through a load of shit, what was it exactly?" Ashton asked me as I nipped at my pizza slice.

I stopped "eating" my pizza and looked at him with wide eyes. "W-what is it you wanna know exactly?" I asked with a stutter. "Everything." He said, seriously.

He put his pizza in the plate and hopped off the island. He bent down and said, "Get on my back." I was confused, but got ok his back anyways.

He carried me up to Ely's surprisingly clean room. "Wanna talk here?" He asked. I nodded. "I guess I'll start now." I said. I took a breath before beginning.

"Well. When I was 12, I started to cut. I would always get bullied because I was a small framed kid. But this one day, the bullying was so bad. I remember that day vividly. They... the bullies we messing with me because of what I wore that day. I had on white shorts and a baby blue tank top with a black leather jacket. I don't know why they were, but they did say some really hurtful things. But, what one of them did really got to me." I paused before starting again.

"This one boy came up to me with his hands behind his back. He had said to me 'Hunter. Lemme see your jacket.' I didn't think much of it, so I took it off and gave it to him. He handed it to his friend and came closer to me. I had said 'what're doing?'. He said nothing. Then, stepped a bit closer. I started to get nervous and backed away. But, he reached out and wrapped his arm around me. His friend came over and held me. Then, h-he pulled down my tank top and put tissue or something in my bra then screamed grow some at me." I said and paused again. A couple tears fell from my eyes, but I quickly wiped them away.

"Everyone laughed and pointed at me. I saw my cousin Kylie and Emily walking through the crowd with red faces. They walked right up to the boy and man was he screwed. Emily yelled and screamed and punched and kicked and slapped. And Kylie. Well, for the first and last time, I saw Kylie beat the fuck out of someone. They took me home and we went into my room. They were getting ready to tell Ely, but I stopped them. Because if they told Ely, he would've went to jail for murder. Ely's really protective. That's my self harm story. You still wanna know about the eating disorders?" I finished.

Ashton nodded. He looked like he could cry, but quickly shook it off. "Go ahead." He said.

"Last year, Emily and I both were getting over anorexia. And you see, Emily, Kylie, and I tell each other everything. So, they know about everything that has happened to me and vice versa. But yeah. The anorexia for me started I think four years ago. I would rarely eat. If you saw me eat, then you should've taken a picture. My parents are barely ever home, so Ely makes food a lot of the time." I paused for a breath.

"The bullying gotten worse for Emily and I both. Kylie was never really bullied. I mean, she is gorgeous and everything. So, it's not surprising. But, anyway. We would always get called fat. So, I had stopped eating for three days. Emily found out and told she wasn't eating, too. And every time I ate something, I would just binge. It wasn't healthy. That picture I showed you was when I was 13. A year before my disorder started." I finished yet another story.

"Wow." Ashton said. "Yeah. I know. You can still see my ribs a bit." I said. "May I ask. Who was the boy?" Ashton asked, quietly.

"Jason." I said and closed my eyes, letting tears slip out.

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