
"Mr Daniels it's either you take the deal as it is or you leave it, your choice"

"This is not fair Za'afar" The man seethed

"Yeah i know, But Business isn't meant to be fair, so what do you say, are you in or out" he replied emotion less with no hint of concern.

Daniels stared at the man before him, his stone cold eyes stared back with no remorse whatsoever, and it looks like he's not backing down on his offer.

"Fine" Mr Daniels grunted.

"Good" Za'afar replied getting up "I will see you soon Daniels" he outstretched his hand for a handshake.

Daniels eyed his hand before reluctantly taking it.

Za'afar left the conference room leaving an angry Daniels  behind.

Why was he angry anyway, Za'afar wondered, did he really expect me to be fair.

He gave a hollow chuckle to himself.

His phone vibrated in his pocket, checking the caller ID he answered.

"Hello, uncle" he greeted.

"Za'afar how are you" he answered.

"Alhamdulillah, am fine"

"Well...has uzair brought the file to you"

"Yeah he did" he replied getting out of the elevator.

"OK, I will see you tonight to finalize the preparations"

Za'afar hummed before cutting the call.

He gave a huge sigh relaxing his muscles on the plush leather seat his mind swiveling with all that has been going on from his father's death, he was determined to conjure whatever it is this plan has to come with, because he has come this far, nothing's going to stop him, he  won't rest until he avenged his father's death.


Uzair's gaze didn't waver for a bit, he watched as the young girl clad in brown Hijab and matching trousers with a white knee length dress passed by him, neat as always.

like all the past months he pretend to look elsewhere afraid of being caught.

He would have wined up the tinted glass but he preferred to see her clear with no barriers.

Uzair watched as she stopped by a man to buy what happens to be fish, fried fish.

He smile to himself at the way she chatter to bargain with the fish seller.

It's on rare occasions like this that he wish he has
the courage to talk to her, that way she won't ever bargain on anything, he will buy her a mountain range of fish if she wants and more, all she has to do is ask.

She adjust her islamiyya bag to the other hand as she paid the man and collect her fish.

He didn't leave until he made sure she's safely secured in her home, close to the fish seller.

Uzair drive away his car with the thought of a simple islamiyya girl that has manage to cloud his thoughts.

Watching her like this clear the bad days and a zeal for the next, just for him to see her.

A frown adorned his handsome face when the sad realization dawned on him, her islamiyya doesn't hold tomorrow.

He gave a heavy sad sigh

Well, the thought of her has to suffice until Saturday.


"Where were you" Za'afar's voice boomed through the empty living room.

Za'afarTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon