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Nightmare finished with herbs put the vegetables and meat into the oven. After closing it he turns around "Well, that's that for 2 hours except for watching the potatoes boil." he says moving to sit down at the table next to Dream. *Dream look over pale but otherwise relax* :Dream: "Cough m,.." Nightmare pats Dream's head and takes his glass to refill it with water. Once the glass is full again he hands it back to his brother again.*The positive pale little guardian smiled bright as he could * :Dream: "Thanks.." *he sweetly and weakly thanks before reaching to take a sip*Nightmare nodded and relaxed in his chair. Just then Cross looks into the kitchen "Boss, everything is unpacked and we cleaned some rooms to fit everyone." he says "Thank you Cross. Could you bring two spare phones from my office. Does Blue has a phone?" Nightmare asked looking at his brother "I know Ink doesn't and yours got broken when X Gaster first took you, but I don't know about his." he says absent-mindedly---*The positive guardian would first be Processing the question slow before he would be able to think and answer tilted head in a stuffy and pale voice* "Yeah, he should still have his.." Nightmare nodds "So two phones, go on Cross." he says to the already retreating skeleton. The other barged into Nightmare's office and started digging in his drawers fot the phones.*dream turn his head a bit relax and clearing his worried only thinking positive thought* Cross grabbed two phones and runs back to the kitchen "Here, boss." he says happily and tries to get more into the kitchen to the cupboard holding sweets. "Thank you, Cross, but please leave snacks for later, dinner will be soon enough." Nightmare says calmly as he looks at the phones adding his, his team and the other phone's numbers. Cross groans and leaves the room "Here, you just need to add Blue's number, and whomever you had saved in your old phone. I will give Ink his phone later, he still should have Cross' with him." he says with a small smile.*dream would watch his brother and listen resting his hand upon his check pale and sick still but with A positive and fazed look, smiling at the older brother* *with ink* *ink was safety wandering around close to the hide out glaring amazed to the outside and taken in some fresh air,* :ink's inter mind would exclaimed joyfully* :INK: "Such a nice's so peaceful, devolved with such beauty." *the aus guardian would then tilt up his head to pretty trees and look to the spy smiling happy* The potatoes started boiling so Nightmare got up and lowered the heat. Seeing them almost done he walked to the fridge taking out some butter and sour cream.*dream would sifted and rocked in his set upon able to smell the food cooking ,it gave him, a relaxing feel to his relaxing mind* Nightmare turns the heat off and strains the potatoes. He added some butter, sour cream and pepper to the taste and made mashed potatoes. Next he checked the time seeing that meat was just a half an hour away to be done. He takes out his phone and calls Cross' phone to contact Ink.*With ink* The guardian of au's smiled would slightly dropped to a sad, and missing like frown, his inter mind would softly and hopefully spoke more words as he look down stop in his tracks* :Ink: I, wish i could, check up on all of you, right now, i wish i could just this moment be well enough to take m brush and be back at work, but *A image of x-gaster play through his mind , he would shut his eyes shaky* But i..- i can't..yet..but i promise soon, were meet again aus.." *Smiled hopeful* Nightmare puts his phone back and waits for the guardian to come back as he walks out into the hallway and shouts "Dinner's almost ready, get to the kitchen!!" He walks back in and starts laying out plates, glasses and silverware on the table. *Dream would spot before his eyes can keep up a awaken energetic, and light speed blue running down and swiftly burst into the kitchen as he exclaimed with a adorable and pure smiled* :Blue: "Yay dinner!" *Dream smiled bright tilted his eyes always admiring his dear friend's spirited care free soul* *blue turn to look over the brothers at the same time* :blue: "Oh..i get the feeling i missed a bit.." *He stated absent-mindedly* "Indeed, but I think you can catch up after dinner." Nightmare says calmly not taking him eyes from the meat and vegetables he was taking out of the oven. "Although if you have any pressing questions you are welcome to ask them." he says putting the food on the table. *Blue nodded friendly* :blue: "I will,though not at the moment.."" *he joyously rush to take his set next to dream* The Dark Sanses came next and silently took their places at the table. Nightmare added jugs of juice and water on the table and looked at the entrance to the kitchen. "Now we are just waiting for Ink. I hope he didn't get lost, the forest here is quite thick." he says quietly with a frown. :Dream: "Cough..well i'm sure he'll call!" *just then ink burst into the kitchen yelling* "Sorry i'm late i'm fine!" Nightmare sighed relieved. "It's alright, we didn't wait for long, take a seat." he says sitting himself and reaching to put food on Dream's plate. The others also start putting food on their plates. *dream smiled down upon the food in reaction, Ink nodded gentle and walk over to take a set next to blue* Nightmare next puts food on his plate and waits for everyone to help themselves before eating himself. *Blue swiftly got some food on his plate and grab an glass of and pouring some juice inside * Nightmare smiled and waited for Ink to help himself to the food by taking a sip of water from his glass. *Blue already started a swift reach with his silverware and began enjoying his meal with a joyous smiled, the guardian of creations proceed to help himself reaching and putting some food for himself on his plate and reaching his fill glass and his own silverware, and would proceed to take his first bite, the positive guardian first took his drink before slowly but nicely reaching and taken another bite* Nightmare put his glass down and began to enjoy his meal calmly taking small bites and observing everyone if they seemed troubled by anything. His team seemed to be at ease, and the Guardians... *the star sanses even dream seem at ease and even a bit happy at the moment, all seem to be enjoying the dinner Nightmare relaxed and took his glass to drink some more water.*A relaxing sighed came from the positive soul fill guardian before lifted his glass and taken some more sips(,Nightmare put his glass down and was about to reach for his silverware again when Horror dropped his with a hiss and started clutching at his head, his hand dangerously close to his crack. Nightmare quickly got up and pried the hands away from others skull. "Migraine again?" he asks quietly to which the other nods. Nightmare lets Horror's hands settle down on the table and reaches into his inventory for Horror's painkillers. "Here, do you think you can finish dinner?" he asks and the other nods and quickly swallows his pills and goes back to the meal. Palcated Nightmare goes back to his seat and eats again casting glances to still slightly in pain Horror, who relaxes with time as the painkillers settle in.*Blue and ink mostly just with a slight pause from eating watch off guard, ink look mostly calm other than a but startle, blue look sadly and with sympathy, dream seem to be faze and a bit frightened in reaction watching and froze in his tracks* Nightmare leans in to his brother and whispers in a reassuring tone "Don't worry about it, it's normal for him and he will be alright once the painkillers kick in. He doesn't like people bringing attention to it." *Dream 's eyes and sitting shifted back in reaction before turning his attention to the food and went back to eating acting like he didn't catch anything* Nightmare came back to his food casting glances at the other two hoping they get the hint and ignore what just happened.*the other two seem to catch on pretty fast with the hint and went back to eating a bit nervous* Nightmare sighed quietly and continued eating. Horror finished his meal and went to put his plate in the sink. As he was leaving the kitchen he turned around "Boss, it's almost the end of the month." Nightmare looks calm "Indeed, I won't stop you, but take Dust with you and call me every hour. If I'm not available to open you a portal call Error for one." he says and returns to his meal as Horror leaves and goes to his room to rest. *Dream after pausing from eating would turn to his brother confused* :Dream: "What was that all about?" *He with a raise unsure skull brow* Nightmare pauses "Horror's brother is still alive but didn't want to leave his AU so Horror visits at the end of each month and brings him some food to distribute among other mothers to help with the famine at least slightly." he says and turns back to his food. *Dream eyes would widen, in shock as next to him blue burst out* :Blue: "Aww that's adorable but...sad" *dream's eyes turn to blue with widen stared* :Blue: "I haven't seen my brother in a few days so i know it's must be hell without seeing him .." *dream blink shock to blue before his expression change to a sorrowful one as his eyes narrow and dream looked down, playing with his silverware absent-mindedly** Nightmare hummed "If you take Cross with you, you can visit your home, I'm too worried about security to let you go alone. Cross knows how to make himself stealthy. Horror visits once a month because it would be too dangerous to do so more often, but his brother has got a phone with numbers to all of us. Which reminds me, Ink, a phone for you... " he says passing the device to the Creator "...You can give Cross his phone back, also Blue if you would save our numbers in case of any emergency." he says and takes a sip from his glass. *Ink after catches the phone look amazed to his new phone, and turn his glare listening, blue would smiled excited* :Blue: "Sure i don't mind!" Nightmare nodds "Inform me when you are leaving so I'm aware where you are, and the same rules apply, call me every hour." he says and comes back to eating. *On his phone blue half listening nod and save their numbers down*, *Ink put his new phone away as he go back to eating finally, dream however look down still sadly not even touching rest of his food,other than a few light coughs doesn't make much sound* Nightmare frowned "Dream, are you alright?" he asks gently *That seem to only add to his sadness hearing such gentleness this time only seem to made his pale face burst up more sorrowful punch * Nightmare gasped quietly at the feelings and got up. "Would you come with me for a moment Dream?" he asks gently reaching out to his brother. *Dream in a bit of a shock in his sorrowful and pale state would blink confused* but doesn't stop his brother and even clings on to him as he shut his eyes in sorrow* Nightmare takes his brother in his arms carries him out into the living room and sits on the couch. "Dream, can you tell me what's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" he asks gently *The guardian while by all mean hearing and listening even closely ,would not give an reply onlylook down sadly* Nightmare sighed quietly and started rubbing soothing circles over Dream's back. "Can you tell me why you feel sad, so I can know what I did wrong and not repeat that mistake?" he asks quietly *Dream pull back this time almost as if he was uncomfortable as he let out a upsetting moan, * "It's nothing.." *He turn his eyes contact from him sadly, his tone fill with sorrow and stuffy due to his cold* "It..n nothing...i'm not used to.." Nightmare lets his brother pull back but nudges his face to him "I still want to know, please, don't suffer alone."----"Dream 's eyes shifted to a understanding look, while still fill in sadness before he gave in and softly and sadly answer as his eyes close and head fall down on his brother hold* :Dream: "It,started, i,guess with all this brother talk...horror's and blue's...,and how much their brother mean to them and how much they mean to their brother...and *with every word he grown in sorrow* seeing how good you were to them...but..then, seeing you worried....knowing it's my fault.." *His tone slowly grown more upset but he push back and makes himself stopped in his tracks as he sob quietly * Nightmare hugs his brother tightly and chuckled slightly "Dream, yes I do worry, so does Horror. It's my job that I took when I declared myself the older brother. It's not your fault, I'm often worried about many things. You could say that it's my default state." he says teasing lightly. *The sad little guardian couldn't hold back a few sobs only in reaction as he wrapped arms tightly around his brother in return to the hugged as his eyes tighten shut* Nightmare hummed to his brother and rocked him in his hold soothingly. *Dream's sorrowful state began to slowly sooth in reaction and more as his face get less upset and lower to a relaxing soothing look as his eyes while staying close get at ease *Nightmare pats Dream's head "Do you think you can finish the dinner?" he asks gently "Don't force yourself if you aren't hungry, but I would rather you didn't skip meals." *Dream look up calmer and relaxed more a glimmer of sadness remanding but still easing up* "No i'm okay now...heh i wanna finish dinner.." *He answer sweet and clear, "But first.." *he reach over and hugs his brother warmed and sweet, and place a small and endearing, brotherly kiss upon his older brother's forehead *it was something he done many time as back in their childhood and at the moment, he felt like a child* Nightmare huffed an amused laugh and returned the gesture getting up and carrying his brother back to the kitchen. *Dream laughed sweetly and amused ,and after ward clings close to the older brother* *with ink* *Ink would share some worried feelings but not wanna press anyone as he only ate more of his dinner* Nightmare enters the kitchen and places Dream back in his chair and then sits himself and continues eating. The other members of his team have just finished their dinners and were leaving after placing their dishes in the sink. *Dream passes an comfort and brotherly sweet glare to his brother before eating up his dinner again, the other two pick up after seeing dream was fine*Nightmare finished his dinner and got up to wash the dishes. He started scrubbing the plates unaware that he was humming quietly.*Dream almost done with his food would pause and gave a slight shock look before holding his mouth giggling *Nightmare would continue with his task lost in his mind. His tentacles relaxed fully lying limply on the floor leaving his back open, his eye-lights were dim and calm, affected by the atmosphere of the AU that he chose especially for its calming nature when he was taking care of his boys at the beginning.dream would finally be done with all his dinner as well as blue, *Dream would after reaching to take a nice drink, he would speak up* "Blue and i are done brother..!" *he exclaimed sweetly*Nightmare nodds looking at the two, his tentacles reaching out and bringing the plates and silverware to the sink, leaving the glasses on the table. He then continued washing the dishes his humming picking up again.*Dream smiled upon the humming and even shake is head in abit of a relaxing reaction* Nightmare's tentacles picked up some kitchen towels and started drying the plates and silverware and putting them in their right places..()()()())()()()()()()()()()()()()(()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()(()(()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()(()(()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()*Blue would stand up and cried out joyous* "Thanks i'm headed to my room now!" *blue wink before running off out of the kitchen * As dream watch with a smiled ink finished up the last of his food* :Ink: "I'm Finished nightmare!" *he yell slightly for him to hear*Nightmare absent-mindedly reached with one of his free tentacles and gathered the dishes. After washing and drying the last plate he turns around drying his hands in another towel.--------*IT would be then ink raise to his feet* "Mind if i step back outside, it fill a ....bit of a void to look around the au?" *The guardian asked spoken up calmly and with cared * *Dream's eyes look towards ink blinking calmly before his eyes wander upon a slight , giving his eyes which flash to a disoriented eyes it would seem almost like when he would have awaken flashbacks or least it felt the same way *Dream would spot out in the distance standing in the hall leading a step out the kitchen a black shadowy figure of a young older bunny like monster with long bunny ears, *Dream at first stared confused, upon a closer look and seeing the outline and enough of the description, the kind of dress, she always like to wear, the flower in ear, the glowing red eyes , the description immediately fits Aubrey , it would be then dream's eye golden pupils shrank small with stress bags as he gasped, it would take long moment by the time the stress hit nightmare would of already agree to allow ink to step out, as dream would gasp and flinches in horror and a frozen shock*()()()()()()()()()()()(()(()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()------------Nightmare allowed Ink to leave and instantly tensed rushing to his brother's side wrapping his arm around him. "Dream, what's wrong?" he asks worried, a weird weak feeling lingering at the back of his skull.*Dream go not only quiet but almost that of in a shock, true fear-shock state, in his brother hold* as he began shaking dreadful, it was then he whimper word fill with most horror, and with a odd nostalgia but was in truth a trick of the mind* 'It can't be her...she's ...she....- :Dream: "A -Aubrey !?" *He stutter shaky and utterly frightened as his face grown pale and intense *however upon looking again she was gone,* Nightmare tensed even more and spread his aura and activated his magic spread all over the AU to look for her. A protective growl was spilling from him.-----*Dream blink to a bit of a safety feeling upon the protective feelings from the older brother, *So far nothing was found nothing, whatsoever *Dream 's aura stay calm thankfully but he felt frightened still as he look at the same spot again* 'What!? but i swear i -she was right there.' *His mind whisper in horror and shock* "Brother..!" *he cried shaking hugging him* "She was right th- there, i-it w-was-her! i sw- s-swear!" *the shaking up sick sounded guardian stutter utterly distraught and disoriented and panic* as he clings arms shaky to his brother's arms too upset to look at nothing in particular*----Nightmare was puzzled, he couldn't find anything but the feeling at the back of his mind was slowly dissipating as his brother said that she was gone. Like a shadow of a feeling, not physical. He gathers his brother in his arms and wounds his tentacles around him for a good measure. "Shhh, I believe you. She wasn't here in the bodily sense but I believe that she was here." he says soothingly, his eyes darting around warily 'I don't know how she slipped past my security' he thought panicked.*Dream only could whimper shaky as he shake in the hug/hold in a traumatizing state * *He began breathing in short bursts as well*Nightmare took a deep breath and moved to the living room and sat on the couch. He takes one of his brother's hands and puts it on his ribcage. "Dream, I want you to breathe with me, can you do that?" he asks gently nudging his brother to look at him as he tried to portray a calm picture to reassure Dream.*breathing while came off in short bursts dream clings to his brother as his eyes as stress out and frightened and confused as they were would finally meet his brother glare as he would be too traumatized to answer as his breathing got weaker and weaker*till the hold and help with one hand on he ribcage finally help him to follow as he slowly try inhaling slow*Nightmare continues breathing slowly, steadily and deeply as he keeps eye contact with his brother and the hold of the hand on his chest.*Dream start breath a bit more steadily as he now exhale slow and easy*Nightmare hummed "That's it, you are doing great. I'm here, just breathe." he whispers looking his brother in the eyes and soothing his thumb over Dream's cheek.*IN a soothing and comforting reaction he slowly shut eyes after deeply looking his brother in the eyes before dream calmly breath more*Nightmare continues the soothing motions and the deep breaths as his mind wonders 'What should I do to make sure that this doesn't happen again? How do I stop them from getting in? How should I change the security to make it feel something I can't even find myself?'----*Dream calmly breath stronger soon though his sick and pale face still seem out of it* :dream: "....B brother?" *he ask shaky*"Hmm, what is it, little brother?" he asks gently resurfacing from his thoughts.*Dream looked as if he was thinking for a pause * :Dream: 'What if, it wasn't the matter of her being here, what if-' himself* :Dream: "Brother!" *he snap back to face him with a passion and stuffy voice* "What if she wasn't here at all, what if....i only saw her, cause, it was in, my ...mind?" *he asked* then though to add something* "*his eyes flash back to his brother half relax but still trouble* "Bi..big-brother, did you actually see her,?" feel her at all?"---Nightmare thought "I didn't see her, nor was there any disturbance in the security. I just had some bad feeling in me. But how do you want to check if she is actually from your mind?" Nightmare asked gently with worried expression. 'What if this is like with Ink and Gaster?' Nightmare thought 'I will have to ask if they talked to him about it, maybe it's something like that?' " didn't sense her or anyone in there before checking my mind right?" *he ask trying to assure them both as his tone struggled between fear and calmness staring deeply to nightmare* *it was then nightmare's phone went off in a incoming call*Nightmare sighed "I'm sorry, I need to take it.." he says taking his phone out and pushing the green button, he brings the phone up "... What is it?" he barks impatiently looking at a wall, but his hand is still soothing his brother's cheek.-----*dream shut his eyes breathing getting sooth from the pressure * :X-Gaster: "We need to talk *The man on his end was sitting in a inn hotel room, ina bed, at the same au, as he was ''ask'' *His voice came off cold and just as impatient *Nightmare sighed heavily "Then talk, remember my magic will alert me if you lie." he says with a small growl. "Or do you need me there to hold your hand." he barks sarcastically.--- :X-gaster: *he reply with a bitter and threatening tone* "I'd cut the sarcastic if i was you unless you want me to hang up..we need to talk about jake.." Nightmare sighed "Alright, do you need me there?" he asks with forced neutrality in his voice. He moves his hand from Dream's face to his back rubbing soothing circles there. :X-gaster: "Jake had yet to call me still, he's and is team are being very ..sketchy nightmare!, it is seriously possible he had already made up his mind, we both know what that could be, So cut the sarcasm, cause if i was to drop dead, i wonder how helpful i'll be to your sweet baby brother.." *while mocking was heard he raise a fair point*Nightmare growled "Drop the attitude, I was honestly asking, you just piss me off. If you need to hide you can change AUs or hide in the void. I have questions so first settle what you want to tell me and then you will answer me. Got it?" he asks angrily, the only thing stopping him from pacing is Dream on his lap. *OVER THE PHONE a dark but worried laughed can be heard *As a half disoriented dream relax on his brother's lap* "Do you honestly think hiding matter to those guys, they found me first in the void,how do you think they , got a hold of me in the first place, if you can't offer more,we're done here, maybe jake had a better offer!" *he threaten crazy and serious* :dream: "NO!" *HE cried out utterly in stress* *over the phone in his inn room x-gaster blink to shock before smiling dark *Nightmare closes his eyes "Give me a second." he says to the phone and puts it under a pillow to muffle the sound. "Dream, what do you think I should do, it's not like I can just bring him here. He is already in their bad books and he can't betray me or he will die. He's bluffing." he tries to reason with his brother. 'Now he will use Dream to manipulate me, the bastard'----'I can't allow jake to have power over nightmare through -xgaster or gaster to use us in the same way..' *dream's mind cried in utter worried* "I won't let - no i can't let that man reach jake, if he does then- !" *dream exclaimed flinches dreadful leaning closer to his brother* "I have to talk to gaster..!" before he let crazy enough to call jake cause if he call jake all bets are off!" Dream pleading in full seriously while having a better hold over himself *With that dream would struggled to stand up from his brother ' s lap* Nightmare put his hand on Dream's shoulder to stop him from getting up. He reached his other hand for the phone and after a brisk "Dream wants to talk to you, I'm putting you on loud speaker." he does just that and looks at his brother worried.*Dream with a pale but pure and determined positive fill and noble stared waiting staring at the abyss* *X-gasster fake kindly answer dark* :x-gaster: *Raise skull brows delighted* "By all means>" *Dream reach for the phone* *dream now in a swift speed grab and held the phone* "Gaster it's me!" *he exclaimed serious and brave.* *he smiled* "aw yes dream...kind of you to say may i help you my prince?" *he asked in a flattering voice* :Dream: "Please, just tell me what it will take to get you to, back off calling jake..!" *Gaster* " i'm so sorry not sure i can help you there.."why hehe you know him?" *he mocked* "dream froze hurt and flashbacks roll like a knife* "I i will do anything to keep us safe from.. *xgaster whisper then madly* "anything?" *dream reluctant answer* :dream: "Yes.." *he reply softly* x-gaster* "Well i do need some - *laughed crazy* hanging his head back* insurance i will live and get what i need so maybe we can make this mess go away if.. *he spoke calm and reasonable* *dream blink nervous* "if?" *he asked on edge * :XG: "If you would to come meet with me. In person.." *He whisper darkly* *dream's eyes widen * in shock and fear*--Nightmare growled covered the speaker of the phone and whispers to Dream "You don't have to do this, and even if you do, you are definitely not going alone. I will trust your judgment on this, you are the one wronged the most by him." his voice hushed but honest, though his eyes were worried. *Dream look unsure as he reach back on the phone* "I'll do it!" *x-gaster* "nice *laugh mad* "Oh *His voice grown mockingly, "there was one more thing, you will be going alone...or deal's dream with no one at all.." *he said so clam and happy like it was a darling talk* *dream narrow eyes brave through his fears*Nightmare sighed "Give me the phone for a moment Dream." he says quietly with restrained fury. *Dream obeying the older brother nod and sadly handed it over*----Nightmare smiled, took Dream off his lap and walked away from him standing at the end of the room. "Are you implying that I sent my brother alone to meet with a person who already kidnapped him twice. You better think of your next words carefully or I'm going there myself and there will be no dust left after I'm done with you and I will tear any scrap of information you have out of you before you reach the release of death." he says with cold fury in his voice, his eyes blazing.In a shocking and utterly intimidating as his eyes went tiny and quiet over the phone*Nightmare "Well, I'm waiting." he hisses out darkly.:x-Gaster: *while leaning back inhis bed his widen serious* "Fine!" *he mumble intense* "What is your deal?" Nightmare smirks "I'm going with him and you are not alone with my brother even for a second. Whatever you want from him is something you can tell in my presence. If not you can start writing your last will." he says with calm and quiet voice."Deal off...If i can't get dream, well it's dream or no one..i am better off puching in Your dear pal jake name in.." *he said more scared but dark as well*

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